Garbage day
I did not hear any train whistle this morning. I usually like hearing the whistle early, if the train is up and running. There is a track that goes up and down the East Coast and it seems only freight trains run on the track. The new neighbors across the street place their garbage out on the curb yesterday. I opened up the front door and saw their light on outside. However, I did not see the garbage scattered all over the neighborhood. There is a friendly big raccoon which is a night feeder on garbage. This raccoon makes it almost impossible to place garbage out at night without securing the can with bicycle ties. I have seen the raccoon traveling across the street at night. The coon looks like a big cat with a large hump in the middle of it's back. The coon never seems to come out during the day. I think it fears exposure. Last nights dinner was chili so there shouldn't be any food smells coming from our trash can. Today, when the sun comes up the garbage goes out to be picked up.
At 6:00 AM,
Lew said…
You must be right about only freight trains going up the railroad tracks because when I use to ride Amtrack it cuts over from the coast to Orlando and then back again to the coast. That is going to be a long ride for Lillian going on Amtrack. Fortunately the accomodations are first class but the constant side-to-side swaying of the train makes it difficult to walk down the aisle (pardon the pun) of the train. But the dining car was very nice as well as the lounge car and the snack car. I heard on the news about bikefest this weekend and I thought "Oh no, poor seaside and villager." But not to worry, you are safe. Towards the end of the broadcast on the bikefest they said that it was being held in Leesburg which lets you guys off the hook. There always seems to be a bikefest somewheres. There looked to be a lot of neat modified motorcycles. Sometime I am going to have to go to one just to see the different kinds of motorcycles.
This morning it was a 5:00 am coffee and toast (I am an early bird too) and then I had a bowl of corn chex with Mary. I am not sure what is for lunch but I am sure that it will be good. Mary is very innovative and keeps coming up with new dishes. Like for example we had short ribs cooked in a slow cooker with canned tomatoes, diced onion, and diced garlic served with rice. It was good and there weren't any leftovers. This was a new dish that we had not had before. We still have to try your spinach casserole recipe. Good luck with the racoons. They are famous for raiding garbage cans at night. Maybe that is why that have that little black burglar type mask on their face. Have a good day and stay cool. We are trying to think of some summer dishes that are served cold like macaroni salad, etc. Take care. Lew
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