What happened to State Road 434 ?
I am starting this feature out with a story of a bug that would not give up. I don't know if this bug was a flea or what it was. I do know it embedded its black body into the skin below my right eye. I could feel the stinging like a blood sucking flea. I couldn't pull it away with my hand, so I used some cleanser hand wipe which was mostly alcohol. I was finally rid of the black varmint and the stinging was starting to go away, but it left a big welt in its place. Hopefully in time this also will disappear from my view. The things that shake up my sense of being are forever present like the six lane mess on State Road 434 in Longwood around where the high priced subdivision "The Springs" are located. The whole feel of a quiet community was ripped out by an asphalt road expansion. The awful sense of needing more space ,so cars could jam up blows me away. Free money called a stimulus fund was used to change the balance of nature blending in with modern man. I believe there is such a thing as too much development. It is a point in time when sense of balance between man and nature is disturbed and the outcome is not one of future balance. It is one of development insanity. However, unlike the bug problem I had, this one will not heal.
At 3:32 PM,
Lew said…
Haven't we all had the pleasure of building sand castles at one time or another. While on vacation in Florida when I was a very young lad, my mom would buy me a brightly decorated small childs metal sand bucket and a small red painted metallic shovel. It was all part of a play set obtainable at any souvenir shop or toy section of a drug store. Included in the beach play set was also a round tin with a mesh screen in it for sifting the sand. It sort of resembled a small tamborine. At the beach I used the bucket to make a sand castle similar to the one in the picture. I would make the sand castle out of the waters edge and wait for the incoming tide. As the waves started to lap at the wall of the castle, it would take a small amount away with each wave. I would replace this with my little sand shovel. As time passed and the tide came further in, the waves came further up onto the shore taking ever larger pieces of my sand castle with each wave. I would keep shovelling sand with that little tiny sand shovel which waqs a losing propostion. Eventually, it got to the point where I couldn't repalce the sand as fast as the waves were taking it and my little sand castle was doomed to destruction. Between swimming in the ocean and playing on the beach I would invariably get a sunburn and have to stay in the motel efficiency suite out of the sun. But that was alright, after all I got my $1.00 a day for comic books and all the coca cole that I wanted to drink. To a young lad, it just doesn't seem that anything could be better than that.
At 3:35 PM,
Lew said…
The bug could have been a tick if it was difficult to remove. I have not had problems with them on the pets here in Florida but my two german shepherds in Arizona were besieged with them. I would take at least six ticks every day off of their backs. That is six off of each dog and sometimes more. The ticks didn’t want to come off and hey would leave a small wound where they had been after I had pulled them off with a pair of tweezers. In the Florida Keys there is suppose to be a lot of ticks also. They call them deer ticks because supposedly they are mainly on the deer but will gladly make a meal out of a human. I got a tick on me one time while I was doing the environmental sampling in the everglades. I removed it and photographed it as proof in case I ended up getting lyme disease from it. Lyme disease is caused by bacteria that you get from a tick bite and causes arthritis in the joints. And to think that I once worked in a bug show at Disney. Have a great day. Lew
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