Saturday was fun
It is Sunday morning and there is no limo parked across the street. Yesterday, was a fun day to see people fishing and going in the ocean. It did get cool towards the evening. The wind off of the ocean water was cool. Mom had a sweater on to keep warm. Even the surfers were giving up the fight to find the perfect wave to ride in on. One by one they would head out of the ocean with their surf boards tucked underneath their arms. I guess they figure they will live to fight the waves another day. When I was approaching the South bridge after deciding not to go to the movies, I saw a sailboat almost on its side traveling underneath the bridge catching a wind current. It was a sailboat like the one displayed in the picture. I figure most sailboats this size have motors on them. Why would they want to use their sails to travel underneath a bridge?
At 6:30 AM,
Lew said…
I saw something similar a very long time ago in Miami. It was in the bay of Miami which is very large. You almost think that you are out in the ocean. There was a bridge but this bridge had a drawbridge for tall ships or boats with masts like sailboats. The sailboat was under full sail and heading just fine toward the drawbridge. The drawbridge opened up which stopped all of the traffic going over the bridge. As the boat was almost to the drawbridge it seemed as if a wind must have caught it because the sailboat suddenly went to the right missing the drawbridge. The person in the boat had to steer a hard right to circle around and try again. I stood there and watched and three times the sailboat tried to pass under the drawbridge and three times it was suddenly blown to the right at the very last minute. All of this took around 10 minutes. After the third try, the drawbridge attendant blew his horn to signal the boat to not try again and the drawbridge was lowered so that the traffic could pass underneath. This sailboat was small and may not have had a motor on it. But I thought that a motor would be necessary for maneuvering in a marina or getting the boat up onto the boat trailer at the boat ramp. Maybe what was happening to the sailboat that you saw is the same as what was happening to the sailboat that I saw. But sailboats just to have such a sense of freedom to them. You have no limitations of gasoline, you can be like the Energizer bunny and just keep going and going and going, so long as you have the wind at your back. Did you ever see the movie Captain Ron? It stars Martin Short and Kurt Russell. It is unusual to see Kurt Russell in a comedic role but he stole the show. He was just great with a lot of funny lines. It is what I call "a feel good movie" because I find it relaxing, it makes me laugh, and plays to a sense of getting away to a tropical island. Did you know that there aren't any gorillas in the jungles of Central America? Oy was it guerillas? You have to watch the movie Captain Ron to find out the answer. Check it out from your local library. Have a good day and enjoy the pleasant weather while it lasts. According to the weatherman, you are suppose to get rained on late this afternoon. Take care. Lew
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