Saturday stuff
I had to change the batteries out of an old laser pen, I bought from a convent store when I worked in Orlando. The pen was made in China. I only know what I bought is kind of a novelty item which I shine around when no one is around. I also use it to scare away the squirrels. The squirrels tend to scamper off when they know the light is around. The laser pen is a bit of a mystery to me. I don't know how it operates. What makes the little red light shine? This is a picture of the South Bridge taken at sunset The orange, yellow and soft peach glow is a nice background to the headlights descending down the bridge. Today it is back to the bank to deposit more unemployment money.
At 6:48 AM,
Lew said…
You’re right about the colors in the picture. It looks as if the sky were on fire. It reminds me of an old science fiction movie called The Day the Earth Caught Fire. Supposedly, the Van Allen radiation belts around the earth start to descend heating up the atmosphere. It just keeps getting hotter and hotter. I mean, you watch this movie of people sweating and complaining about the heat. Watching the movie I start to get uncomfortably warm. Anyway, that is what your picture reminded me of. Also, they say the sky of mars is suppose to be similar to the color of your picture and not blue like earth’s. Those laser pens are great. I have a couple of them. Cats and dogs will chase the little red dot across the floor like crazy. Cats, especially like them. I have even used them on an aquarium with fish. The fish go after the red dot on the bottom of the aquarium and try to eat it. I guess that they think it is food. I will use the laser dot to get the cat to run down the hallway chasing it, then I will will make a turn with it and shine it on the bathroom door with the result that the cat will jump up against the door making a crashing sound. This is done while Mary is washing her face in the morning. At first Mary would open the door to see what all of the noise was about. Now she knows that it is just me playing with the cat. But those laser pointers are so inexpensive. You can even get them at the dollar stores and the price includes the batteries. Technology is fascinating. I wonder what inventions the future will hold. Have a nice day and enjoy the great weather. Lew
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