Grey day and the sun is trying to shine through
"I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! Sound familiar? Maybe, from the story "Alice in Wonderland." The rabbit who couldn't get to or do things on time. I stayed under the covers with the TV set talking about the weather and the weather radio cutting in with sever tornado watches and warnings. Plus, sever thunderstorm watches and warnings. It turns out all the bad stuff went to Brevard County and we only got a couple of thunder claps and some strong blowing wind. I just hope the yard trash holds together and doesn't blow down the street. Mom is planning a tuna casserole for dinner. It will have mushroom soup and potato chips in it. I am wanting to see a new movie opening up May 1. It is about a guy who is visited by 3 past girl friend that are ghost. This story is similar to "Scrooge" but with a comic twist. This is a picture of my mom trying to feed the seagulls her leftover bread. The only problem is a park worker told her to go down on the beach. They didn't want the seagulls disturbing the visitors or leaving deposits.
At 4:54 PM,
Lew said…
We got one of those sleep number beds and it is so comfortable. It is an air mattress with the comfort of a water bed. There are two large air cells that run the length of the bed. They basically divide the bed in half and can be separately inflated so we each can choose our own degree of inflation and thus comfort level. We had been having problems with comfort with the standard type of mattresses. But sleep in? No way, the cat gets me up with unrelenting meowing at the bedroom door around 5:30 each morning. This morning I got up to let the cat and dog out but the cat ran to the litter box to relieve herself before going outside. Try to figure that one out, the cat uses the litter box just before going outside. Oh well, maybe she is just too well trained to use the litter box. We had lots and lots of rain here today. At times it came down really hard with lots of wind. Sort of the weather that Noah would like to float his Ark in. We watched a Nicholas Cage movie called Bangkok Dangerous. It was pretty good because it had a lot of action in it which most of Nicholas Cage's movies have. Supper was Rotelle pasta with Ragu spaghetti sauce with hamburger meat in it. I like the Ragu spaghetti sauce because it is a sweet sauce. We get the Chunky vegetables and mushrooms Ragu. Mary made garlic toast with that thick sliced Texas bread. Dessert was chocolate cake with chocolate ganache icing. It was decadently rich. Tomorrow we are going to go the millenia mall because we haven't been there in a long time and it is a nice mall inside. We will probably eat lunch there. At the wedding Villager asked me when I was going to get my own blog site and so that was the impetus of my finally starting to post blogs on my blog site. Thanks for your comments and you are right about the resemblance between my mom and I. What ever happened to your baby carrots? My sunflowers are starting to take off. I planted some of the dandelion seeds in a pot and I think that they are sprouting. At least something is growing out of the dirt. I will just have to wait and see. One last comment, in the picture of your mom feeding the seagulls, the waves look like they are washing up under the walk that she is standing on. Was it high tide? Have a nice day. Lew
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