It's garbage day
How exciting! The bags of garbage go out to be picked up today. I worked on cutting limbs yesterday. I created a pile of yard trash for Wednesday pickup. I feel like I am making progress and I haven't even played Scrabble Blast online . Yesterday was such a nice day to be outdoor. Today should be pretty nice as well. Tomorrow, rain showers is suppose to come. I heard even some strong storms are suppose to arrive. I think rain is nice because it makes everything grow. I think of growing, so I can cut things back. I appointed myself head pruner around here for now. Glendon, my sister, finished her weekend of work. She has some time off to take care of her family pets. She has six horses, chickens, two dogs and two cats. Plus, she has a female turkey named Hillary who lays her giant turkey eggs. I was grateful to hear about the rescued captain. I feel like this was a true answer to prayers. I thought it very appropriate the rescue should occur on Easter. The first dog Bo looks cute as a button. I think he will be a good addition to the First Family.
At 7:07 AM,
Lew said…
I could use you here in Orlando. Plenty of limb-cutting, leaf raking, and yard trash to be piled up. I need an expert like a head pruner. By the way is the turkey Hillary named after you-know-who? And so many animals to care for, especially on the days that she works. I see the pelican gliding through the air in the picture. I have seen them take off from the water and they always seem to struggle a bit at first. Probably because of their large bodies and if they happen to be a lucky pelican with a belly full of fish. I am not a big fish eater and so in my next life I hope that I don't come back as a pelican and have to eat fish all the time. It is a nice day today and so enjoy. Probably some great beach and wave photo opportunities with the approaching storms. Have a nice day and watch some television this afternoon because it is going to be real warm. Take care. Lew
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