Easter is tomorrow
I sure got a late start on the blog today. I am just loving sleeping in. I don't know if we will attend the sunrise service or wait till later. Dinner this evening was fried chicken and mashed potatoes with chicken gravy and a big salad. Tomorrow, mom intends on cooking a ham for Easter dinner.
Glendon is working very hard this weekend. She has horse tubs to clean and horses to feed. She works all day and comes home to take care of her bunch. She has a turkey that just loves her cat food. The chickens lay about eight eggs a day. Plus, what she can collect from the turkey. One turkey egg is the size of two chicken eggs. I still present another moonlight picture of water with moonlight reflecting off the top of it. I am ready for my chocolate bunny tomorrow and if I don't get one. I will go to CVS half price sale and get me a sugar free chocolate bunny if they have any left.
At 5:50 AM,
Lew said…
I am not sure which picture I like best, yesterdays or this one. Yesterdays was a very peaceful type of picture but this one has a wave breaking in it. I think that I am leaning more toward todays picture. Has your sister made any comment as to the taste of the turkey eggs versus chicken eggs? Have you tried eating any of the turkey eggs when you go to visit? Just curious. I like you philosophy on the chocolate Easter bunny. I am of the same mindset. Have a yummy Easter. Lew
At 5:55 AM,
Lew said…
This is a test. This is only a test. I have removed my picture from my profile to keep it from popping up when I make a comment post. Lew
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