turkey talk

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Burning trash by starlight

Glendon, my sister, has two trash burn barrels. It seemed so easy this morning, to get a good flashlight and head to the garden ,where I knew one of the trash barrels was located. I could see the heads of cabbage in the darken starlight garden. The flashlight provided direction to the garden and sight on where the spider webs were forming. I was able to knock out the spider webs with a swipe from the garbage bag heading for the burn barrel. Glendon's two cats followed along racing through the brush without fear of hitting anything in the dark. Do cats have night vision? It makes me wonder how good they really can see after dark. I dropped the garbage into the garden not knowing really where the entrance was. Glendon had changed around the garden concept, so the chickens could eat the old stuff and she could make maximum use of new ground material. What was really touching was to see the head honcho dog Soldier sleeping with his paws around the food bowl under the carport. He knows he goes to bed eating and wakes up eating or anything in between. What a guy!! The daylight is up and the rooster is out of the tree he sleeps in and crows before dawn. There is a third rooster from the neighbors who looks like Golden Boy which is the rooster in the trees. The third rooster establishes territory where Golden Boy isn't around.


  • At 3:20 PM, Blogger Lew said…

    Things that go bump in the night. That is what your story of traveling to the trash barrel at night by flashlight. Many, many years ago I went camping in the various Florida state parks. Each state park was arranged like a wheel. The hub of the wheel is a building where there are showers, laundry, restrooms, etc. At the end of the spokes of the wheel are the individual campsites which consisted of a picnic table, a barbeque, and a trash can. The spoke itself was a path that led from the campsite to the building at the central hub. If it was necessary to visit the restroom during the dark of night I would take my flashlight and walk down the small narrow primitive dirt path to the hub building. As I went I could hear critters scurrying through the brush and woods on both sides of the path. Not knowing what these critters were made it a scarry walk but it was probably just racoons, I hope. Did you have similar experiences on your way to the burn barrels? Have a good evening and will see you all tomorrow at the wedding. Lew


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