We didn't get to see the waves tonight. Instead, I saw the inside of a Winn Dixie store. I bought a cooked chicken which was good for dinner. Mom made a salad and split the last ear of corn we had. I have gotten partial to white corn. I like the juice that comes from the kernels. As passing thoughts of Lillian and her family boarding the auto train on Sunday, Mike Diamond is another person moving North of Los Angles with his soon to be wife Cheryl. I haven't met her or seen pictures of her, but Mike said he would send his engagement pictures via e-mail which I will be waiting on. Mike plans to leave about the middle of May from what I can gather."Parting is of such sweet sorrow. Let us say goodbye today for there will be no tomorrow."
At 7:23 AM,
Lew said…
Did you get a rotisserie chicken or a packaged cooked Tyson chicken. They are both good. I visited a farm field in Miami that was growing corn. Now you have white corn and you have yellow corn. But these ears had both yellow and white kernels randomly distributed on the ear with about a 50/50 mix of the two colors. I spoke to the farmer and he said that he was growing them for the Dole company. I guess with the yellow and white corn on the same ear, you could have the best of both worlds when it comes to corn eating. I am glad to hear that things are going well for Mike. I am envious of him moving to California. The weather is so nice there. It is about time that some nice things started happening to him. It seems that he has really been down on his luck lately. This may be the turning around point in his life. Like when are we going to get a turning around point in our economy? It seems that everything is going up in price. That isn't going to help the economy much. Your quote sounds like something from Shakespeare but I can't remember which of his plays it is from. I like this Mahatma Gandhi quote also: "“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. - Mahatma Gandhi—"
A nice thought to end this on. Lew
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