turkey talk

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sunday looks hot

We get sunny weather in the 90's and up North they get the rain in the 60's. Mom has the sprinkler on wetting down the front yard so the plants won't dry out. I am thinking about going to the movies this afternoon. Mom will stay here and have a guy who is dating the granddaughter of a neighbor down the street do some trim yard work outside. This is a fuzzy pink picture of Holly with a stuffed rabbit toy draped over the top of her. It is still kind of cute because she looks so sleepy in the picture. The owners came for her yesterday and today they go pick up their new little puppy. I also learned yesterday that Holly is ten years old. She looks pretty good for a dog that age.


  • At 7:19 AM, Blogger Lew said…

    I think that the new star trek movie is playing. I am not going to see it because it seems to be all new people in the movie and I am afraid that they will emphasize the special effects too much. Last night for supper Mary cooked a pork roast in the slow cooker and pulled the meat with a big serving fork to make pulled pork and then mixed in some Kraft barbeque sauce. I like the Kraft barbeque sauce the best. I have tried others but I keep coming back to Kraft. We then had barbequed pulled pork sandwiches on large onion rolls that served as hamburger buns. She also made a cool summertime dish out of tri-colored spiral pasta with some Italian dressing thoroughly mixed in. It was a perfect compliment to the barbeque pork sandwiches because it seemed like a picnic. This morning we had butter-flavored grits with toaster streudel (the kind with the icing packet for dribbling the icing all over the pastry streudel), and fresh tangerine sections. Tonight we are having artificial crab which I like because of its sweetness. I think that it is actually pollock made to look like crab meat and seasoned to taste like crab meat. Mary prefers real crab but I like the artificial better. Really! Time to go. Have a nice Sunday. Lew


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