Friday is here
Time seems to pass more quickly then what I can imagine. It was well after five this morning when I very briefly talked with my sister "Glendon." She had to get ready for work at the University as a ranch hand. Today she would only work a half a day, but tomorrow and Sunday are full days of work. Yesterday evening, mom and I went to the entrance on Twenty Seventh Avenue to look at the ocean. Not all the waves were kicking up this much, but this looked pretty good. There was a surfer out in the water, but we lost track of where the surfer was located. He had a big long surf board and no ankle bracelet to tie himself to the surf board in case he got knocked off by a wave. I did take a picture of a small baby sitting on top of someone lying in the sand. The baby was a cute typical baby that people gush over because all the facial expressions are cute. The only trouble is babies grow up. It is the same with puppies when they grow up. They both loose their cuteness. After reading the reviews, I don't know if I will truly like the new Star Trek movie. The plot sounds more confusing than anything I remember recently. However, it will get me out of the heat of the day for a couple of hours.
At 6:40 AM,
Lew said…
Wow, you sure know your star trek trivia. Have you ever been to a star trek convention? I was visiting in Los Angeles once and decided to check out of my Hollywood motel the day before I was suppose to fly back to Miami and stay in a motel right next to Los Angeles International airport. I had a morning flight and I was afraid of getting stuck in the morning rush hour traffic since it was a week-day. Where I was staying in Hollywood was quite a distance from the airport. I drove to a hotel right next to the airport which was nice. It was only one of many hotels clustered together. These were tall buildings and so the term hotel is more appropriate. It was very nice inside but was $ 240 dollars a night. I was stunned but figured that I had no choice but to pay it. This was around 20 years ago so you know that it was definitely expensive. I was bored and so I wandered around the lobby and saw a sign "star trek convention 4th floor". Out of curiosity I went to the 4th floor and there were all these vendors. I paid my attendance fee and immdeiately entered a large room where an audience was seated and listening to Nichelle Nichols tell of her experiences in the making of the star trek series. After she finished, George Takei did a skit portraying the character where he was a sword fencer. He did really good with a young boy from the audience as his opponent. I had a great time and all by chance. If I had picked any other day or any other hotel in the area, I would have misswed the convention since I had no prior knowledge of it occuring. Being Los Angeles with a large population, the convention was quite large. I flew out of Los Angeles early the next day right on time and got my little packet of smokehouse almonds and a soda on the flight. I feel sorry for your sister having to work in this intense heat. Hopefully, they have fans where she works at. I have done the same thing as she is doing in the past but it was in Pennsylvania where it wasn't so hot so I didn't have it as bad as she has. Hopefully she has some nice cold lemonade waiting for her at home to cool off with. It is suppose to get up to 95 degrees here in Orlando today so outdoor activities will be limited to the morning. By the way, I saw on the news on television the imploding of the Colony Plaza hotel. I stayed there once on one of my trips to a training course being held at the lab. It really wasn't very nice at that time because it was old and musty. Gotta go. Have a nice cool day. Lew
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