Happy Mother's day
I can see the full moon outside the kitchen window. The weathermen promise rain around Tuesday and Wednesday. It should be interesting to see if we get some much needed rain. Last night the people were out playing on the North end of the beach. One young guy brought his guitar and was just strumming a few chords while another guy was hitting his leg trying to imitate a drum to play along with the guitar chords. The guy drumming his leg for pretend was being criticized by the drunk guy for having a bathing suit way to short. The guy in the bathing suit kept quiet with embarrassment. The drunk guy tried changing his target to others who pass by him. My mom passed by him and totally ignored him. He may have been mumbling something behind me and I did not pay attention. His last target before mom and I left was a guy driving a red roadster car. The drunk guy went over to his car and wanted to drive. This is when two other roadsters pulled up. One a light blue and the other a dark blue. The guy drunk guy moved on. The guy in the red roadster was talking with the guy in the light blue roadster. Sometimes there are such a mixture of people on the beach. They are young and old. Long scraggly hair thin or heavy set with kids or without kids. They all have fun by the ocean. I did see a few pelicans which were hard to capture on film. When mom and I were going to the North end of the beach, a group of pelicans passed us in the air. Mom's car was traveling at 30 miles per hour. I estimate the pelicans were traveling either 40 or 45 miles per hour in the air. Today, mom and I have a picnic to go to later in the evening. Plus, the "Celebrity Apprentice" final is on tonight. I think it is a great way to finish Mother's day 2009.
At 4:02 PM,
Lew said…
We recently had an experience with an unsavory character a couple of days ago. We had just come out of a small store. There was this young man sitting on the curb of the store walkway with his feet resting on the asphalt of the parking lot. He was about one and half parking spaces from my truck. He was on the passenger side of the truck which is where Mary would sit. As Mary approached the truck door on the passenger side to unlock it, he stood up and faced her. Mary had her purse with her. I was at the driver door and I glared at him and he saw me. I didn't stop staring fixedly at him. He took a small step towards Mary and looked up at me and stopped. She was in the process of trying to unlock the door. He took another regular size step towards Mary and looked at me. I was still glaring. He gave a backward knod of his head as if to say "what's your problem?". I didn't say anything, I just stared at him. He stepped back and sat down again. I think he was getting ready to snatch Mary's purse but figured that it would be more of a hassle than what it was worth. I guess he decided to sit back down and wait for an easier prey. I am completely convinced that he had bad intentions and was up to no good. You just never know what can happen. You and your mom were probably lucky also. Have a good evening. Lew
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