turkey talk

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Here comes the storms

On the weather radio last night the announcer talked about storms in North Brevard County. Some how Southeast Volusia County was mention in the tornado warning. I don't know if the town of Mayfield is in Brevard or Volusia County, but I got a blow by blow description on what to do in case of a tornado. According to the announcer, I was suppose to go to the lowest place in the center of the house. Abandoned my car and not take shelter under an overpass. I felt like I was listening to chicken little. "Yes, the sky is falling." What is a girl to do when she is tucked under her covers at night going into that deep sleep mode? I went to sleep and did not give the announcer a second thought. I figured if this affected me, the radio would start off screaming at me again. It is morning and according to the news, Brevard was the one with the tornado damage. I wonder if my sister misses her cat inside sitting on her lap? I guess I will find out later when I call to talk with her.


  • At 3:41 PM, Blogger Lew said…

    What happened to your sisters cat? Our cat always wants to go out but we try to keep her in during the bad weather. When she is out, she likes to climb the fence into the neighbors yard. That is the one with the grapevines all over the backyard. I am guessing that Tammy likes crawling around under the grapevines because they probably give her a feeling of security. Today we went to Arby's for their "Free Wednesday". This Wednesday it was a free milkshake. I got the malted chocolate milkshake with chocolate swirl. Naturally it was very good. Mary got a Jamocha shake which is sort of cofee flavored. I talked with the general manager for a bit. I asked him if the free giveaways had increased his business. He said that the foot traffic had increased but that the sales had remained about the same. Each Wednesday they have a different theme. Today was Hawaiin Wednesday and the employees had straw hats on with colorful shirts with a bright flower print and several plastic lei's around their necks. It was a nice touch. We went to the library and got some DVD's to watch and the Home Depot to get a handrail for the bathtub/shower. And in case of a tornado, don't forget to click your ruby red shoes three times and each time say "There's no place like home". You don't have any ruby red shoes? You have to get a pair or else the heel clicking won't work. Take care and I hope you and your mom dry out tomorrow. Lew


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