Still raining on Thursday
I had really gotten into the sleep mode because I was awoken by mom turning on the lights. She started unplugging the television. She moved into the kitchen and unplugged the telephone answering machine and the computer. I remember thinking this was funny. I told her as she finished " Good night you sleepy head pull the covers over your head." As I was saying this, I heard the crash boom of the lighting. The weather radio never fired off a flashing announcement of a tornado or thunderstorm warning. The other night it sounded off when there was a tornado in Brevard county. It just makes me wonder, if they really are on the ball. Once she went back to sleep, I made a trip to the bathroom and when I got out I started plugging the television back in. I also plugged the answering machine back in and reset the recording. This morning I plugged the computer back in and here I am doing a blog and drinking Maxwell house coffee. Mom got the coffee on sale. I still like Folgers better.
At 3:41 PM,
Lew said…
The surf looks to be really big. Usually the surfers come out when the surf starts to get big. But this surf may be too big even for them. They seem to be always putting Maxwell House coffee on sale at Walgreens. When it does go on sale we usually get two jars which is usually the limit. Right now I am drinking Folgers which was also on sale at Walgreens. I am stricyly an instant coffee drinker. I guess that I have gotten use to it. I told Mary today that diet cola has actually begun to taste good to me. She asked which brand and I said all brands. And the spread for bread? They don't even call it margarine. It is mostly wayer but it looks like margarine and it tastes like margarine but if you heat it in the microwave for dipping artifial crab (crab flavored pollock fish) the oil separates out from the water and it is mostly water. This spread when put on toast makes the toast soggy. Once again probably because of the water in it. Such an artificial society with artificial foods that we have become. The rally bad part is that I have gotten use to it. What will be next, bacon made out of soybeans? Probably. I like the line you wrote about Glendon's cat sleeping amongst the bales of hay and that it was right up his alley. I caught the pun. As I remember, her cat's name is Alley Cat so that was a good pun. You weren't able to slip that one by me. We are having a terribled flea problem with our cat also. She seems to be a lieral flea magnet. Mary defleas her each night and gets around 20 to 22 fleas off from the cat each night. Now that is a lot of fleas. Has your sister tried any of those medicine drops that you put on their back between the shoulder blades for flea control? The one that you get from the vets is so very expensive so we haven't tried it. Our cat is a real talker and if you don't let her either in or out the door when she wants, she will make a real loud drawn out meow like she is in pain or dying or something. But it is all an act, she just wants what she wants when she wants it. Does that sound a little demanding to you? She hardly uses the litterbox anymore. She goes outside to do her "bnusiness" now. I guess that my comment is more than long enough. Have a good day. Lew
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