The feel of air and the closeness of water
I know the Jacquie Lawson card takes forever to load onto my computer, but I am willing to wait. I think it will be worth it. It was! It was a nice beach scene where a seagull chases a crab, but the crab gets away. The seagull does take a small piece of bread from a picnic basket. I know the seagulls here wouldn't do that. All the bread and everything else edible would have been gone. The seagulls here are either starving or they will totally ignore you. Most of the time they are starving. Mom and I ended up going to the park on the North end of New Smyrna before the draw bridge. The pelicans are more noticeable, but they usually don't land. There is no reason to land, unless they see a bundle of fish. They land around the South bridge because the fishermen have caught a lot of fish and they want to mooch a fish from the fishermen. I can see why they would end up with fish hooks in their necks and beaks. It is a sad sight to see , but it is apart of their nature to eat the fish. I walked out on the fishing pier where there was no fishing people. I did see someone had left a few shrimp along the ledge. I guess maybe they hoped the next fisherman would use the bait. Sadly, I just think the rain will knock the shrimp into the water and that will be the end of the shrimp. The feel of walking out onto the fishing pier was like being on a sinking boat. The water seemed like it was rising up to greet me with it's sloppy, slap wet action. I did walk out to the end of the fishing pier to get my pictures. I got a sail boat traveling through the raised drawbridge. I notice they don't give the horn signals like they use to when raising the drawbridge. The boat would make a signal with it's horn and the drawbridge operator would answer back with his horn. Now it is about four crossing beams descending with loud chiming bells and flashing red lights which signals traffic to clear off the section of bridge that is about to raise up to greet the boat. It is kind of like a salute to the boat passing through. Once the boat is gone the bridge is lowered for traffic to resume the normal routine of traveling to the shoreline and back to the main part of town. As I was leaving the park, I saw water covering the roots of palm trees in a retention pond. The pelicans still owned the skies with their air glides close to the water and back up where no one could reach them. Who would think I would clock a pelican traveling the wind currents at 45 miles per hour. I felt the coolness of the wind blowing and sense of closeness to the ocean more than when mom and I traveled to the North end of the beach afterwards. The sea was still rough, but was starting to settle back down. I did not see any boats out on the water and the two surfers were quickly forgotten after being in the water for awhile. There were two young high school looking girls. One sitting on the ledge. They both were bored after awhile and took off with a look of the ocean was nothing. It wasn't a party with their young friends. A moment so quickly forgotten. This morning I talked with my sister for about a minute or two. I have heard some thunder and I think there has been some rain. I am doubtful the shuttle will come back today. I could be wrong, but it looks like it won't for now.
At 6:31 AM,
Lew said…
Wouldn't a job as a drawbridge tender be nice. You just sit in your little booth and toot the horn and raise the drawbridge whenever a boat comes. Seems like it would be a pretty easy job. Only two buttons to push, "up" and "down". Oh yes, another button marked "toot". But most of the time you could just sit and relax and enjoy a fantastic view. My daughter once worked as a drawbridge tender down in the Florida Keys. But the drawbridge was broken and it would take about six months to repair and so she only had the "toot" button to push to warn boats that the drawbridge would not be opening. She said that she read a lot at this job. Have a good day. Lew
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