Bird picture
It is fun to watch birds in flight. I keep hoping for that dynamic shot of the pelican in flight or diving into the ocean. However, this hasn't been achieved yet. Meantime, I just watch and observe the speed of the bird and the wind currents they choose to travel. Yesterday, I went over to the North entrance of the beach and the waves were very small. The surfers could only sit on their surf boards. There wasn't enough wave for them to stand on their surfboards. I did see a white dot out on the ocean at the horizon line, but I couldn't focus it into a ship. I took the picture, but it wasn't worth keeping around. At least with the digital, getting rid of a bad picture is a lot easier then the camera where you have to get the film developed. Plus, with the digital you can see the results of the picture you take. The other one you pay for the picture and then decide on whether you like it or not. I don't think we threw out our old Polaroid camera yet. I remember my dad's black and white Polaroid he used to take pictures of young couples' engagements for his weekly paper called " The Sun of Pine Hills." My mom said he was an artist at making young couples look good in his newspaper. He knew how to set them up for the perfect pose, so everyone would be proud of their picture.
At 5:39 AM,
Blueherun said…
I love seeing the pelicans glide by along the ocean like that. My grandfather from West Virginia fell in love with them the first time he saw them fly by in perfect formation.
The digital technology that has been applied to media is one of the greatest new inventions of our time. Was just reading an article by the Smithsonian about how with the use of digital now, they can place these heat sensing cameras into remote locations for days to capture rare species that would normally be extremely difficult to capture by a photographer. The big plus is they don't have to send the film out for processing.
For Lew, the photo I use is the same for your profile, I love pandas and elect to use their photos to represent me.
At 5:46 AM,
Lew said…
Those birds flying in formation like that sort of reminds me of the Alfred Hitchcock movie The Birds. But the freedom that birds have in that they can fly and gently soar on the winds and go anywhere they want to is to be admired. I think that it is the same kind of freedom that a sailboat has and which may be the big attraction of people to get sailboats. Did your dad have to wipe that gooey gelatin fixer paste over the polaroid pictures? It was sticky and I would get it all over my fingers plus the smell was strong. When I worked in x-ray I would have to go to the operating room to take x-rays when the doctors were repairing broken hips with pins. There would be a whole series of x-rays taken at various stages of the surgery. We used large sheets of polaroid film that were 10" wide by 12" long. We had to peel the film apart just like in the regular polaroid cameras and coat the film with the smelly sticky stuff. Only the picture was so large that I had to use a lot of the gelatinous fixer and my hands were a mess. Do you still have any old copies of The Sun of Pine Hills as a remembrance of the old times? When you and your mom come to Orlando, do you ever drive by the "old homestead" out of nostalgia and to see what it looks like now? Have a good day. Lew
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