Memorial day
I am ready for it to be light enough to put out the garbage. I don't attempt it before daylight because the raccoons love to get into garbage and spread it around. I don't want the cleanup duty that goes with it. Mom got the ribs to cook on sale at Publix. Yesterday was lemon pepper chicken from Publix. It wasn't fried chicken like the one in the picture. I figure Lew must be on vacation. He didn't write in his own blog or commented in mine. The coffee started perking again after it told me it was done by the orange light. Now the light is back on and the perking has stopped. I hope everyone has a lot of good food to eat and a safe Memorial day.
At 6:52 AM,
Lew said…
Boy, I wish that I were on vacation the past couple of days. Here's the problem. Along the fence on the east side of the back yard, the grass just doesn't want to grow. And the soil is sugar sand which is devoid of nutrients. I spread granular fertilizer with a spreader. I repeated this one week later in the hopes that the fertilizer would stimulate plant growth. Mary suggested that the grass may not be growing because of a neighbors large oak tree with numerous large limbs hanging over the fence line and shading this area of the yard. This made sense to me because the whole back yard is sugar sand and so why would the grass not grow just in this one shaded area. So it was decided that the limbs of the neighbors oak tree that are hanging over the fence line had to go. The neighbor had planted the tree many years ago close to the fence and it is only about a foot or two from the fence. The tree limbs were out of reach and large in diameter. The only thing that I had to cut them with was a pole saw tree pruner. It is a manual method and is very slow and labor intensive when it comes to thick limbs. Never-the-less persistance paid off. With enough sawing and lots of time I finally got a limb cut. I definitely got my exercise. But then it was on to the next limb and then the next limb after that and the next limb after that ad infinitum with each cutting being painstakingly slow. I would trim the smaller limbs off from the main thick branch and Mary would bundle these for the trash men to pick up this week. She also used an electric chain saw to section the large tree limbs into short sections that will fit into a trash can. We will be refilling the trash can many times because there is a big pile of logs. We started work in the morning and worked on into the afternoon heat. As the day wore on, it became hotter and hotter and the shade of the tree limbs was disappearing as I was cutting them down making it even hotter. We ended around 4:30. The next day nice and early we were at it again with me once again cutting the big limbs and trimming the branches and Mary bundling the branches which is a miserable job and also sectioning the large limbs into small manageable logs. This effort consumed yesterday as well. I slept well both nights. I was so hot both days that I could have used one of those 7-11 icees. And that is why I haven't been posting the past couple of days. All I wanted to do after finishing was sit in the air conditioned house in front of the fan for extra cooling eating a popsicle trying to get cool. I even took cools showers at the end of the cutting each day to help with trying to get cool. I don't care much for the heat. I am just amazed at the large amount of wood that we cut. I told Mary that if we had wood stoves we would have a good supply of firewood. But the worst of the cutting is over and now I can get back to my online activities. Even my studies have slowed to a snail's pace. I need to pick up my daily amount of studying that I do each day because after August I have to accumulate 24 credits for my license x-ray license renewal. They make the renewal dates on you birthday and mine is in August. I will probably send for a continuing education renewal course in June which will give me a leisurely two months to finish the course and then submit my test for grading in August. When I get that continuing education course I will have to put my current studying on hold until I finish. I am thinking of ordering a course on DEXA scanning. DEXA is just an acronym for Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry which is a special x-ray test used mainly for women to detect calcium loss from their bones. This is a problem in older women and can lead to curving of the spine and broken hips. It should be interesting. Time to go. Have a cool and dry day and enjoy your barbeque ribs. Lew
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