Endless Thoughts About A Vast Ocean
The ocean is the only place where the water can run and run and no one ever gets a water bill. I guess you could make a joke out of the only water bill that would be generated is a pelican or water bird with a wet beak. I find it unfortunate and sad when a plane goes down in the ocean like the one recently featured in the news. It was traveling to Paris and it suddenly disappeared. The Brazilian Government did find a debris trail and it also was confirmed by the French authorities.The debris trail is a thirty mile span which is a long ways to search. I hope they find the remains of the jetliner and can recover the passengers remains, so the relatives can find closer. It is a gruesome task, but an honorable one for the rescuers. The people don't have to remain forever at the bottom of the sea like they did back when sailing ships were destroyed by pirates and all passengers were doomed. The people that brought the remains of the Challenger shuttle crew were never given credit, but they silently brought peace and closer to the families. This allowed the families to move on in their lives. Sometimes the lowest of all task is the greatest gift to mankind. May there continue to be people with purpose to serve everyone's needs.
At 4:18 PM,
Lew said…
I always find it interesting how the ocean water is just as blue as blue can be, and yet the breaking wave in the foreground is jade green. It must have been absolutely terrifying for the passengers on board the plane because it takes a while for the plane to drop from a cruising altitude to the water. Tonight we had smoked sausage and potato halves baked in the oven for supper. There was broccoli on the side and cherry lattice pie for dessert. There was a program on National Geographic that Mary wanted to watch but it was going to start at the same time that supper would be finished baking so I set up the wooden trays in the living room and we ate in front of the television. When you had mentioned chicken noodle soup I assumed it was Campbell's and not homemade. Did you have rolls or crackers with it. Do you remember those little tiny soup crackers called oyster crackers? As a child I was fascinated by their shape and thought that they were fun to eat. But usually with soup we would have saltine crackers. Mrs. Benson always had sanwiches with her noontime soup and sandwich meal. Have a nice evening and enjoy the television. Take care, Lew
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