Off to a good Labor day start
I placed a picture of a baked key lime pie on the blog entry which I haven't had in ages. Last night's dinner was a mixture wok of steak strips, cut up carrots, onions, cut up potatoes and cut up celery mixed together in a stir fry. Mom and I both agree the steak strips were a bit tough. Mom said she would have cooked the meat first, if she had it to do over again. What a luscious dessert the key lime pie was to eat. I can remember the sense of taste when it was freshly cooked. It just melted in my mouth. Yesterday, I did the Lew thing about getting DVDs from the library at the suggestion of my mom. I got three and one I watched along with my mom last night. The one I watched was on space chimpanzee's and how they were treated during the space program. The movie was kind of an eye opener to things I did not realize were happening. Before the astronauts went into space, the chimp was tested to make sure everything was people worthy. The chimp in many of NASA's experiments had to give up their lives, so the data could be collected on why an experiment did not work. The two main chimps featured were Ham and Enos. Ham went up before Alan Shepard and Enos before John Glenn. Enos only lived a short time afterwards, but Ham lived almost thirty years. The history of Ham was he liked to ham things up, but Enos was less sociable. The two remaining videos are "Murphy's Romance and Killer Bee's." Enjoy the labor day weekend!
At 6:50 AM,
Lew said…
That is a really large mound of meringue. Thank goodness for electric egg beaters. Before that it was the hand crank egg beaters and before that in great grandmothers time the meringue probably had to be beaten by hand. Unimagineable but somehow they managed in the old days. Perhaps some aspects of the good ol' days wasn't so good. I prefer the modern electric egg beater. And the electric knife does a real good job at carving turkey versus just a plain old knife. Do I sit outside by an open fire pit turning my the chicken by hand on a spit? No way, I use my Ron Popeil Showtime Rotisserie grill and I just "set it and forget it".
When we check out DVD's from the library we always get a couple of extras so that if there is one we don't like we can just slip another one into the DVD player. You can't always guess right as to which DVD will be good. After all as they say, "you can't always tell a DVD by its cover". Plus, here in Orlando, we can renew the DVD's on-line. We shy away from the "Foreign" category of DVD's because they have subtitles and it is hard to watch a movie and look at the subtitles at the bottom of the screen at the same time. Mary got a book from the library on Vietnam cooking and yesterday she went to Publix and got fresh ginger root, bean sprouts, and a bunch of other oriental items. She is planning on trying one of the oriental dishes in the book. Bon apetit. Lew
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