Yesterday's Birthday

This is "Hillary" the female turkey hen. She kept me well entertained on my birthday. I was sitting on the porch and she came up almost looked like a bird trying to take off in flight. She stopped when she got to the porch to eat some cat food. "Hillary" loves the organic cat food. She will eat it out of my hand or she will eat it right out of a pan. She squawks like a goose. She also scrunches down in submission like the other hens. When you leave her alone she gets independent. She did and will chase the dog "Soldier" away from his dog bone. I think she is quite a gal. She is also sensitive to the heat. Her neck sucks a lot of air in and out when the weather gets real hot. She lays eggs and Glendon collects them to cook in her organic cakes. The cake I had was an organic Chocolate Cake made by Glendon and "Hillary's turkey egg." Yesterday, we had ribs and today it was Fried Chicken from a grocery store called "Hitchcocks." The chicken was real good along with my sister's potato salad.Glendon also made a blackberry pie with the Agave sweetener and a little flower to thicken the juices. The pie was delicious with some sugar free ice cream.
At 5:46 AM,
Lew said…
I can see the back claw on the chicken in the background in the picture. It looks like it could do some real nasty damage. How many eggs a day does the turkey lay? One? I am glad that you got a chocolate cake for your birthday. If you have to eat cake, make it chocolate, as chocolate lovers say. Since the chocolate cake was organic, was it made the old fashioned way from scratch starting with flower, etc. When I was very young, my mom made cakes from scratch because boxed cake mixes weren't around yet. It was always such a chore for her because of the mess in the kitchen from all of the various ingredients. It seemed that flour got all over the place. And pies. That is when the flour was everywhere from the wooden board on which the pie dough was rolled out. She had to keep dusting the board so that the dough wouldn't stick. And each time she dusted the board, more flour went everywhere. The ribs sounded good when you were describing them in a previous blog. Thee is something about barbequeing foods whether it be hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken or delicious, juicy, falling off the bone ribs. I think that the aroma of barbeque is ireesistible. What type of barbeque sauce was used. The sauce is important. There is a barbeque restaurant here in Orlando called Bubbalous. Their food is fine except for the barbeque sauce which I find to be too vinergary. Maybe your sister used what is called a dry rub. I have never had barbeque ribs with a dry rub for seasoning but I have seen it on the food tv shows and it looks good. Who picked the blackberries for the pie? Did you put in a thumb and pull out a plum? LOL. I am not familiar with the Agave sweetener. I will have to check it out. That was a lot of activity for your sister after having worked the week-end. By the way, is it safe to assume that you had chocolate frosting on your cake? My mom always put white frosting on her homemade chocolate cakes. She made something called a mayonaise cake for my brothers birthdays and she always had white frosting on it and between the two layers. Have a nice day and enjoy the day. Lew
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