What is brewing in the new coffee pot?
I piece together the new coffee pot, my sister gave me for my birthday. It took a few moments to get it perking, but when it started it started with a fury. I had the pot unplugged when I heard this loud stormy thunderous sound. It just wasn't a gentle perk, but something quite angry like waking up a volcano. I plugged the coffee pot back into the wall socket and let it do it's thing. When it finished it was silent. There was no light to indicate it was done. It was just silent. The coffee came out boiling hot. The flavor is pretty good. The coffee seems to stay hot for a long time. Mom and I went to the North end where there wasn't much going on out in the water. There were no sailing ships or shrimp boats. There was just a little boat and if you are lucky a pelican or two. The time was well after seven in the evening. There was no rich multi color sunset. The sky was overcast with a soft dull gray color which sets the mood for everyone including the pelicans to get tucked away for the night. Go home and roost in your house with your television set or go to your island of birds and settle down for the night. There is not berry picking around here, but we do have the people and the birds and the beach.
At 6:51 AM,
Lew said…
At first glance at your picture it looks like the Loch Ness monster in the ocean. But after looking closer I realized that it was just a couple of pelicans flying low to the water. I must admit that a Loch Ness monster in the ocean at New Smyrna would have been more exciting. But then being the shark capital of the world, bike week, storm capital, lightning capital and hurricane landfall capital, I guess that you probably already have enough excitement. LOL. But then you get that nice cool ocean breeze on these hot summer days. Sort of like when I lived near the ocean in San Diego. We would open the windows on each side of the apartment and the breeze would blow through the apartment cooling the apartment nicely. Have a nice cool breezy day. Lew
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