My beach neighbor Mr. Turtle
I finally got a picture from a distance. I wasn't able to get to close. He would just run into his hole and hide. He doesn't like people. He hissed at me and went into his hole before. I figured I was trespassing on his territory. I am glad my camera has a distance range. This was the only way to get the camera shot. Today we go on an adventure to my sister' s house and see her four horses, many chickens, three cats, two dogs and one turkey. The car ride should take about two and a half hours. This includes stops for gas and bathroom breaks. It is quite humid and warm outside so I think we will be running the car air conditioning to keep comfortable.
At 3:37 PM,
Lew said…
Hooray!! You got the turtle picture. It appears to be fairly large. I guess that he must eat the grass. Did he ever eat the lettuce that you put out? They use to give the galapagos tortoises some fruits like banana, melon, etc. They use to hand feed the bananas to the tortoises. They were really messy eaters. In Miami I use to get goats milk from a place called the Little Farm. They had a little bit of everything there much like your sister. Bus loads of school children would come to see the farm animals. It was sort of like a petting zoo. They were open to the public on week-end and would charge admission of a few dollars (not much). Your description of all of the animals that your sister has reminds me of the Little Farm. My favorite animal was the border collie named Tuffy whose herding instinct was so strong that he would "herd" my van and steer me to the parking area. The dog would run in front of the corner of my van and so I had no choice but to turn which is exactly what I was told by the owner that it was what the dog wanted me to do. Are the chickens hatching out any eggs so that she has some peeps? I like peeps also but the marshmallow kind at Easter. Enjoy your trip. Does going to Williston mean that you will miss the fireworks at the beach? Enjoy the swimming pool.
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