It is back to the beach

It is the final cup of coffee on the farm with no goats, no cows, no sheep and no fooling I usually seem to leave something behind on my trip home to the beach. I spent my final day burning trash, writing a little bit on the computer when it wasn't sending me error messages and eating leftovers. There was a small storm in the heat of the day around one and I took a small nap inside on the living room couch with the overhead fan going. I rested for about an hour. This was after I hung out a load of clothes and mom brought them back in, because she saw the storm coming and said they were just about dry. She finished drying them in the dryer. I thought after the initial shower we were through for the day with the rain.
However there was a darker more threatening storm waiting to show up after Glendon. my sister, came home from work. She walked in tired, dirty, and ready to leave her fun job, if someone would just offer her a desk job. She said" If it didn't have four legs and a tail, I would be out of the Vet School in a minute". I was hoping with time she would change her mind, because of all the rich horse stories she can tell about the horses she feeds during the day. Her stories seem so educational in terms of what the Vets do to the young horses in drawing blood and learning how to work with them. Plus, the ratio of students being mostly young thin women with boppy pony tails and hardly any men in sight.
Dinner was hamburgers, cooked from frozen spinach with a cup of lentil soup. I mixed my spinach in with the cup of lintel soup. Mom had the dinner place settings set so nice. Plus, she had the stuff to place on the hamburgers to make it a complete meal. The stuff included: lettuce, onion, mayonnaise, and ketchup. I had ice tea while the others had organic milk. In the middle of all the food was the prize of the dessert a dark golden crusted apple pie which mom used Glendon's organic apples.
We were starting to feast on the luscious dessert, when I spotted the fighting match of a life time. The World Wide Wrestling Rooster throw down in the middle of the backyard between the new rooster Goldenboy and the longer staying older rooster Feather Duster. Golden Boy was winning and had Feather Duster on the run. I told Glendon and she said "don't let them get at each other". I bolted out of my chair leaving my apple pie not thinking, if it would be there when I got back. I started to chase the two roosters. They were much faster than me. They seemed to stay just out of my reach.
Pretty soon Glendon and mom got involved and Glendon kind of scooted them towards me. She didn't think I could catch them, but I got lucky and caught Golden Boy. She retrieved Feather Duster who was pretty beat up. Golden Boy had won the fight and his prize was having his wings clipped by Glendon. Feather Duster was returned to his chicken yard and started crowing like he was the winner. I beat the bad chicken again.
I had always considered Feather Duster a threat in the past, because he would chase after me and try to spur me with his claws. He was challenging me and sizing me up as competition. He no longer is seeking a competitor. Golden Boy whooped him and had him on the run. Amazingly, Golden Boy is easy to pick up and he doesn't chase me. I end up chasing him to try and place him back with his young group of chickens.
After, the fight was over, there brewed a more scary dark storm like one out of the movie Twister. The clouds were low hanging black creeping and getting ever so close. I was the first one back in the house. Mom and Glendon came a little bit later. I did hear some thunder and saw a little bit of lighting. The storm did not leave the rain that I anticipated would happen. It just died out as quickly as it came. I am sure it must have rained someplace else. However, last night was not at Glendon's place.
She has a fighting chance today to get the lawn under control. She has two Super Dooper John Deere riding mowers with good horse power. The only thing missing is her buddy Joe who is in Minnesota and his can of beer. She figured she could have lawn mower races, but I won't be there to challenge her. I was too much a beginner when it comes to driving the mower. I tried it one evening and was more comfortable with it on a slow speed. I was new and really not too trusting until I got to know it better.
She is on her own with the animals. She also gets to hear the train whistles as it goes down the track in the distance. She will have to burn her own garbage and fix her own meals. She still will have lots of fun and find lots of projects to work on. She also plans on adopting to young horses from her work. She has made some fencing preparations for this event.
I find the crickets are just as loud over here at night as they are at the beach. I find the roosters crow pretty early when I am still sipping my first cup of coffee. I find her cat sweetly annoying when he insist on getting into Glendon's bedroom to sleep when she is trying to sleep without him. He is a creature of habit and it would be pretty hard to change his ways. I will leave all this behind for Glendon to enjoy.
Mom and I travel early to beat the storms that come through the Ocala Forrest. I look forward to getting back to the beach and unpacking. Deciding what to have for dinner and catching up on the mail. Washing up dirty clothes and getting stuff from the store we may need for the week.This is my daily goal after eating breakfast, taking my medication, and getting dressed for the day ahead. We live in two worlds bonded by family ties.
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