Day after labor day
I took the DVDs back to the library today. On the way back, I stopped behind the old Winn Dixie hoping to capture another view of an American Bald Eagle. This was as illusive as hunting for a picture of the hummingbird. Alas, the orange honeysuckle in my backyard has been so trimmed back, I don't think I will see another hummingbird for a good long time. Before pulling into the entrance of the old Winn Dixie, I was on Atlantic Avenue where I could observe the Osprey towering over the roads like Gargoyles spying on each driver. I actually saw one follow me with his eyes. He also had his wings spread out in a heated attack mode. I realize it was just the heat and this bird is constantly looking for food to eat. This is the life of a predator bird. I wasn't lucky at catching any eagle picture or a interesting picture. When I arrived, I saw the local police car parked behind the old Winn Dixie. When I placed my purse in the trunk and pulled out my camera and placed the strap around my neck. The police car disappeared. I figured the policeman had better things to do. This is a picture of a grill going home. I went home after a fruitless quest of taking more pictures of the Bald eagle. This was replaced by air conditioning and television.
At 4:12 PM,
Lew said…
A police car behind the old Winn Dixie. Well, the year was 1961. Location: Grand Way store Orlando, Florida. Grand Way was a branch of the old Grand Union grocery chain. They were like the modern day WalMart with all kinds of things in addition to the groceries. Also sort of like Target. It was early morning, around 3:00 am. A large tractor trailer rig was was backed up against the loading dock and the large receiving door was open. There were men carrying electronic items like TV's and stereos and anything that was expensive. They were carrying the items from the store into the truck. They were thieves. They were robbing the store. They had disabled the alarm system. With a large tractor trailer rig they had plenty of room for stolen items. One of them spotted a police officer in a patrol car pulling into the area behind the store. What were the thieves to do? Surely they would get caught. Maybe they should make a run for it? They kept their cool and simply reversed direction and started carrying the boxes of televisions back into the store. The police office pulled up next to the truck and chatted with them. The thieves kept carrying the televisions from the truck into the store. As soon as the policeman left, they once again reversed direction and started carrying the items from the store into the truck once again. My dad was the manager of this store. When he arrived in the morning he discovered that the store had been cleaned out of appliances. He called the police and they responded, including the night officer who was still on duty. The police officer told my dad that he had seen the truck and had even chatted with the men. Since they were carrying goods from the truck into the store he assumed that they were making a delivery. The thieves got away with it and never caught. They had to have nerves of steel. Their deception worked and fooled the officer. Instead of running away they fooled the police officer into thinking that they were making a delivery. A true story and your mentioning about going behind the old Winn Dixie and seeing the patrol car brought the story to mind. Have a good evening. Lew
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