Venting on Thursday leads to peaceful Friday
The ultimate betrayal by the State is to have other water bottling companies in place draining our water supplies dry. At least this is what I believe I heard on the news last night. I believe I heard like five water bottling companies in Marion County alone draining the Florida aquifer. There were a few more spread out through the State. The news also told of the experts telling the Florida citizens, we would be in a crisis water supply mode in 2013.
Meanwhile, I had enough water to make a pot of hot coffee. I am enjoying a cup a cup now. I believe the weatherman said more rain by this weekend. I guess that would be nice. Our lawn is looking a bit dry. Also, the plants could us a bit sprinkling to perk them up.
Mom and I didn't go out on an adventure last evening. We stayed home and watched a repeat of "America's Got Talent." There is suppose to be a new episode on this evening. Maybe mom and I will go to look at sites earlier in the day, so we can catch the TV show on tonight. I like the host Jerry Springer and I sometimes like the judges.
At 5:56 AM,
Lew said…
I didn't realize that Jerry Springer was the host of a television show in the evening. I caught a brief glimpse of a show last night where there was a young man who was a contortionist who could twist his body into all sorts of positions. I saw Jerry Springer standing offstage in the wings but I didn't know what he was there for. I will have to check the show out closer. I thought that Jerry Springer did pretty good on Dancing with the Stars. He went a long ways on the show but I think that it was probably due to all of his fans calling in. Well, I did it again. This is number two. I got a music CD from the library and forget to remove it from its plastic security case with the special magnetic device that they have at the library. So I couldn't play it and I need to return to the library today to remove the security case. As a young boy I liked hiking through the woods. Exploring and fascinated by the beauty of nature. When I got thirsty I would lay down on the ground next to a stream and drink my fill. The water was so clear and so cold because it was spring fed. The water had a wonderful taste to it. I have tasted that same taste in only one bottled water, Evian. Just like from the free flowing stream. When I returned to my home town in New York last fall for a visit, I noticed that many of the streams no longer had water in them and ponds were dried up as well. I don't know why this has happened but pristine streams seem to be a thing of the past there. I don't know where the water has gone. Maybe too many people moved into the area with too many wells and too much pumping of underground water. With regards to your beach. Is the sand really being eroded or is the sea level rising. Hmmm, something to think about.
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