turkey talk

Friday, August 01, 2008

Goals to achieve

Have you noticed that bad events and things get top attention and good things and events get pushed into the background. The local evening news is filled with stories of shootings, drugs, car chases, and people getting killed and becoming bodies. On the evening news, it is the body which was discovered in the apartment and not Mister or Miss Jones. The name and person is gone unless you are the criminal. Sometimes what I would consider a private matter gets national attention.
The missing two year old and her jailed young mother are known all the way out in California. The media has turn this private matter into a national circus hanging on each new event that pops out of the family involved and any news from the Police. Where are the nice television stories about small town events or places to visit?Where is the outstanding Citizen who volunteers at the local hospital or saves a life? Where are the positive role models that kids can admire?
I missed for awhile the three young girls which lived across the street from me. The house seemed more empty and not full of life from screaming and squealing young girls playing outside. I do realize now, the girls are in a better place where they will have more room to run and play and maybe raise a few animals.They moved to the small City of Eustis and there will be less contact with a lot of people ; except when, the girls go to school. They will be happier in Eustis.
I could only wish this good fortune to happen to the young mother trapped in a neighborhood of gang violence. Worried sick out of her mind about the welfare of her child and where the next bullet is going. I would like to see a more active role of churches and Community Centers turning the youth around through after school programs and setting positive goals for the young people to achieve. This would make for a safer community and a bright future for everyone there.


  • At 6:42 AM, Blogger Lew said…

    What sells the news is sensationalism. That is what makes the tabloids popular. I agree with you about all of the bad news and it gets depressing after a while. This is what is nice about remembering the past because typically people only remember the good things. Take for example your picture of the day. It takes me back to the
    50's, sitting in my parents car southbound for Florida on A1A eagerly looking to spot the ocean and beach once we had crossed the Florida state line. A1A would parallel the beach very closely. What a delight the first glimpse was for a New York boy of the beach with the waves rolling in. Miles and miles of open unpopulated beaches just like the one in your picture. Especially the heavy surf which I could hardly wait to play in and do battle with the waves. The only thing better was a pecan log roll from Stuckey's which both my mom and I really liked and always got. We didn't have any Stuckeys in New York and no grits either. Grits took a bit of getting use to when you were use to hash browns with your fried eggs. See what I mean? All the pleasant memories to bring back and relive in my daydreams. Just shut out the world and all the bad news and retreat back to a happier time. Or hop in your car and drive to the nearest Stuckys and get a pecan log roll. Lew

  • At 8:17 AM, Blogger Blueherun said…

    OMG, on Lew's memory of driving to a Stucky's for a pecan roll, that was a favorite of my grandmothers! Our grandparents loved to travel by automobile, we always looked forward to their stories of places they visited. Sure enough, no matter where they went, if a Stucky's was along the way (and their did seem to be alot of them) they always stopped for a bite to eat and grabbing a pecan roll was a must. We even got a few sent to us in the mail.


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