Horse Jumping

I enjoy a show on horse jumping sponsored by Rolex, the company which makes expensive watches. The horses were tall and I think Thoroughbreds. The colors ranged from a grey,brown and solid black. The coats were shiny and glisten in the indoor lights. The horse's strides were made with such great ease. The leaps over the jumps were done it seemed with little effort. The rider and the horse seemed to be in such union with each other.
The riders were dress in the proper English clothing including the boots, gloves and helmet. They took their job as rider with the most serious concentrated tone. The jumping event looked like a high class occasion which only the super rich would attend. I enjoyed watching how the rider controlled the way the horse approached the jump and kept the pace around the riding course. Most of the scores were perfect;except for, one who only lost four points.
Rolex ran two commercials One was a jumping horse offset by a Rolex watch. I thought it to be classy and to state Rolex is associated with horses who are favored by Royalty. The other commercial included dressage as well as jumping. Dressage is the use of fancy foot work which takes years to learn, just as a good jumper takes years to prefect their task.
I was glad the Animal Planet Channel ran the jumping event. I enjoyed not having to pay a big price, but enjoying what someone who did pay would enjoy. I see what effort goes into making a great show. I hope they put more shows out for me to enjoy, because I liked it.
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