Pictures to take under the North Bridge
I guess this would be a perk for a Bridge Tender job. I don't believe this would be a job I would want to do, because there are too many responsibilities. Bridge Tenders are responsible for the raising and lowering of the bridge and to be sure everyone is cleared off the bridge before it could be raised. I would imagine this is especially hard during stormy weather.
I imagine what the ocean must look like during a lightening storm. I imagine the crackles of lighting hitting straight down into the ocean water. I imagine me huddled in my car refusing to step outside to get a closer look. I imagine no one else is out there, because they know how dangerous the weather can be to themselves. Looking at storms would be just to satisfy my curiosity on the dark overpowering nature and how easily the worst is over after the beginning ends it show stopping performance.
At 5:39 AM,
Lew said…
True. Definitely a lot of responsibility on raising and lowering the drawbridge. But what if the bridge is broken and it can't be raised. In fact it can't be raised for 3 months. How about the bridge tenders job then? Sound like a pretty good job? Well, my daughter had just such a job. She was a bridge tender on a bridge in the Florida Keys on a bridge that couldn't be raised because the main gear was broken and it would take 3 months to get a replacement gear and install it. I asked her what she did and she said that she read a lot. She would also toot the bridge horn anytime a boat approached to let them know that the bridge couldn't be opened. Why can't I get a job like that? And as for lightning, a very long time ago I went on a camping trip through the various state parks. At one of the parks was a fire tower and I went to visit it. The fire tower ranger lives in a building at the base of the tower. Sort of like lighthouses with the little house for the attendant next to it. She took me up the tower for a tour into the room at the top where the alzimuth instrument is for locating where the fire or smoke is if seen. I asked her about storms. She said that it was abosolutely terrifying during an electrical storm because there was a lightning rod on the roof of the room on top of the 100 foot tower. Being so high, lightning always hits the lightning rod on the roof about 3 feet above her head with a bright flash and a thunderous clap. Because forest fires can be started by lightning she had to be up there in case the lightning did start a fire so that she could immediately report it. She said that one time the storm was so bad she decided to come down out of the tower due to high winds. As she was coming down the wet metal steps she slipped, fell and slid underneath the hand rail about to plunge nearly 100 feet to her death. She manged to grab the hand rail and saved herself but she said that she complained to the forest officials about what had happened and they installed a metal mesh from the hand rail down to the step so that it couldn't happen again. I asked what she did all day up in the tower on nice sunny days and do you know what she said? Yep, she read a lot. Another neat job. Very relaxing. An entire forest for your back yard. Stay cool and be careful of umbrellas in electrical storms. They are in a sense miniatue lightning rods. I can say that from experience.
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