Rainy Wednesday
It was good that mom talked me into seeing what we could salvage from the neighbor's tapes being tossed out as garbage. It was a evening of bug bites. However, I did get about six tapes and they might be viewable. This morning was filled with thunder outside my window. I could also hear a soft rain. This all might be gone around seven, when the sun rises. Last night, I could hear the trains running and tooting their horns in the distance. I guess it is easier to run freight at night. The track which runs on the other side of downtown only seems to run freight. The passenger route goes through DeLand and not up the East Coast. The photo of an instant oasis on the beach was a backdrop to a wedding staged on the beach. The setup took only ten minutes and I am sure it is gone now. This is just a faded memory.
At 5:15 AM,
Lew said…
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This picture tells what Florida is all about and why people move here. Consider yourself fortunate to be on the coast and able to enjoy a walk by the ocean on a daily basis. It is already lightly raining here. With off and on showers this might turn into a stay-indoors day. Bumper stickers. Remember the "Have you hugged your kid today" bumper sticker? I want one that says "Have you hugged your air conditioner today". In Florida that is what you need to do during July and August, sit as close to the air conditioner as possible. Go from my air conditioned house to the air conditioned mall in my air conditioned car and then back to my air conditioned house. The word "air conditioned" seems to have dominated that sentence. So stay cool and hug your air conditioner today.
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