It's Friday
Mom and I did not go to see a Jazz band playing last night. It rained and we stayed home. Mom read the only thing down there was a ball room night for five bucks. I didn't want ballroom. I wasn't Ginger Rodgers looking for Fred.
I had mentally geared myself up for a night of Jazz music. However, this wasn't to be so I was home with the rain and TV. Plus the computer which I used instant message to talk with my sister and my friend Lillian. Lillian talked about her lunch with her former fellow employees who had retired. My sister basically talked about being back home after her overnight trip to Lakeland.
This picture was a hole in the sand down at the beach. I thought it was kind of interesting, because the hole was deep. I don't know if some kids could have dug it this way. I know it would take lots of work for a turtle to dig this deep. I guess I would feel unsteady knowing that it was created by the water, because I would feel the ground was very shallow underneath my feet. The shape of the hole could look like a miniature underground cave.
I am pretty sure the hole should be washed away today. The waves from the ocean come in every evening, so it changes the landscape in the morning. All the sand castles are washed away. This could have been a nature made moat that was deprived of water, but would would look like the bottom half of a sand castle if water were added. It could also be used to drizzle the sand saturated in water to form the towers on the sand castle.
I did get a concert of CD music which I played and sang along last night. It brought back memories of singing in the truck coming home from work. I would sing along with Bocelli and Pavarotti. It was the only place I could sing with the greats and not worry what I sounded like or if I were too loud. It sure made the time pass quickly. When I got home my voice would be just a tad hoarse from singing, but it was fun.
At 3:37 PM,
Lew said…
Really strange hole. I am surprised that the sides haven't slumped in to make a cone shaped depression. The walls appear to be vertical. I can also see different colored stratification layers in the sand in the wall of the hole. Most curious. Hopefully it isn't a type of sinkhole. That would make for a really nervous beach walk. I have a brother who lives in Lakeland. He lives near the racetrack there. I have driven by the racetrack but have never gone to a car race there. The track looks to be of a pretty good size. My brother likes living in Lakeland. When he worked for IBM they had him in an IBM office in Orlando. They wanted him to move to Orlando but he wouldn't. He stayed in Lakeland and commuted every day. A long commute but it was worth it to him.
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