Reflecting the beginning of the weekend
Friday evening way before sunset, mom took me for my free Slurpee and to go look at the waves on 27 Th. Avenue. The waves were not as smooth as what is in the picture. The beach also was not this light on people traffic. There were lots of families with small children. There were some young couples and some surfers. The surfers in the parking lot were in a group of five heading out for the big waves. They figured they had two to three hours more of sunlight so it was a great time to go surfing.
The people ranged from average would not give a second look, to unique how did you ever get out of the house look. There was one young couple where the girl was slightly over sized in a two piece bathing suit with a tattoo down her back and a rough exterior where she could win a gang fight every time. She was soon joined by a young balded hulk of a man with scary green extended markings down his arms and back. The markings were circular tribal looking as if it came from an Indian tribe in South America. His appearance resembled that of a wrestler and you didn't cross him with fear he would pounce on you with all three hundred pounds of body weight.
I did not see many birds out there. I wondered if they had gone to bird island across the Inter coastal Waterway where the island is just loaded with birds. The waves were big and small. When we first arrived, the waves seemed idea for the surfers to catch a good ride. After mom and I had been there, the waves shrank to a glassy look.
There was hardly no wind. Usually mom and I enjoy a good beach wind blowing and keeping us a bit cooler. The wind was not there. When we go to the fishing spot under the South Bridge, there is a big wind which is idea for Pelicans to ride the wind currents. I also like the way it feels blowing on my skin and in my hair. Plus, it keeps the bugs away. The bugs were starting to bite me right before we left the beach.
The other night when we were coming home from the North entrance of the beach, I could hear the night sounds of the crickets and the croaking frogs next to the body of water behind the barricade of woods. It was a unique sound that would be ideal for a relaxation CD. Mom drove by too fast so I could not really soak up the sound. I know at night we have the crickets outside singing, because of the dampness on the ground leftover from yesterday's rain.
Today is suppose to be another day for big waves. I don't know if we will go see them. I do know I am enjoying the coolness of the air conditioner, the hot cup of coffee and the time spent to lay out a unique scene to share with others. I hope everyone has a cool day and a safe one away from the thunder and lightening. Make it your one of a kind day.
At 3:44 PM,
Lew said…
What do they call it when one story leads into another and that leads into yet another and so on?
"When we first arrived, the waves seemed idea for the surfers to catch a good ride. After mom and I had been there, the waves shrank to a glassy look."
When I read this it brought back some childhood memories for me. Each year I would plant these seeds for gourd vines by a trellis on the side of the house. They grew like crazy and my mother would praise me on how nicely the vines had grown. The secret I got from a book that told of indians putting a fish in the ground with each corn seed that they planted. The fish provided a great fertilizer and the vines grew in abundance. This was in New York. Each spring fish would migrate up the Hudson river like salmon going upstream to spawn. It was about a one mile walk to the river. I would take a bucket for the fish. As I would walk along the edge of the river catching the fish the ferry would sometimes come by. The ferry ran from Poughkeepsie to New York city and back. The trip was 4 hours each way. I enjoyed seeing the ferry go by because it was large like the old Missippi steamboats and had a shallow draught but would create quite a wake. The waves would travel out from the boat and when they made it to shore they would make small waves which for some reason I enjoyed. So maybe there was a cruise ship far offshore that created those larger waves for a while and then the sea went back to calm after it had passed. I guess that was a long story just to make a simple point. Would you have preferred the Readers Digest version? I was always puzzled as to why the fish migrated in very large numbers each spring because they weren't salmon. One of the great mysteries of the universe I guess. But mystery or not the fish made for fantastic lush vines Lew
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