It's Friday Free Slurpee Day
If you don't catch free Slurpee day, you are out of luck. Run to the 7-11 store and get yours free. Mom pointed out that I didn't talk about the last movie I saw" Kitt Kittredge An American Girl" . I guess at the time it didn't make a strong impression on me. I did enjoy the movie, because it was from a different time and era. It was like I was stepping into the shoes of the little girl's best friend and seeing all the adventures she experienced. Living the times when you first start out upper middle class and kind of wealthy with possessions. The times change from good to about poverty level where the house sits with a foreclosure sign in the front yard. You are embarrassed by the turn of events in front of you and watching the neighbors rejecting you. The class of people suddenly expels you into the land of the rejected Hobo, who eats at the soup kitchen. The Hobos are labeled a dirty low class set of homeless people living in camps on land that does not belong to them. The next to the lowest Hobo class is the women who have to sell eggs to make a living and dress their children in sacks used to carry the chicken feed.
Kitt breaks through the barriers with her charm and ability to take in boarders along with her mom. It is heart wrenching scene to see her dad leave for Chicago and not to know if he will ever come home. However, he does return at the end of the movie and promises Kitt he will get a job where she is living. The boarders are very entertaining like the magician, the dancer, the mobil librarian, and the former business man. There is also a mystery plot where Kitt's mom loses the rental money she collected from the renters. The crime is originally blamed on one of the Hobo's. The truth is the magician was the mastermind behind the theft. The mobil librarian was the magician's helper. The magician also had another helper which did the actual crime and Kitt figures out what really happened to the money. She gets the help of the people in the hobo camp to capture the bad guys and everyone lives Happily Ever After. Kitt ends up being recognized by the local paper as someone who could be a reporter and gets a job with a feature article. My mom could identify with the times, because she was very young and knew how authentic things were. She could identify with the hobo symbols of friendly places to eat. The music and clothing and even the cars were times she understood the purpose. She had her own stories to tell with her own cast of characters. She lived in a different time and place where it was filled with a lot of good memories. As fun as it is to step into the past, I like futuristic stuff. Wall-E the movie was more my speed. I wouldn't mind seeing the Kittredge movie on television when it come out. This should be in the future about a couple of years.
At 3:24 PM,
Lew said…
What flavor slurpee? Mine was green apple. There was a woman with a bunch of kids in the 7-11 and I told her about the free slurpees. She and the kids immediately headed for the slurpee machine.. It just made their day.
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