turkey talk

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Night Life at the beach

Last evening was one of the times, I did not take my camera. It was raining and kind of getting dark. I was wanting to take a car ride, because I had not been anywhere all day long. I had been trying to take care of my upset stomach. The car ride seemed boost my energy level a bit, but the stomach ache was something, I had to endure. I saw my favorite Italian restaurant beach side was not open in the evening for the third time. I was wondering if they were closed for good. The name of the restaurant was Vincenzos and there was no other Italian restaurant in the area which would match the quality of dishes they would make.
The waitress was always warm and friendly towards me and every other customer who would walk through the door. I also liked the fact it was a quiet place which gave me time to eat and reflect on the day's issues. The last time I was there was with my mom's friends from New Jersey. They seemed to know the Italian dishes they wanted and ordered like a couple of professional restaurant goers. I stuck with my angel hair spaghetti with meat sauce and mushrooms which came with a bowl of garlic bread. I also got a small salad. I took my leftovers home, but mom's friends did not. They were staying at a motel and had no room to store leftovers.
I kind of got side tracked by something I hate to loose. The road trip was looking at the North end of the beach through a glass window of the car. It was raining outside and I didn't want to get wet. I really could not see the purpose of looking at a few surfers in the water and a few beach goers with their umbrellas. The view was short lived and we headed to 7-11 to see if I could spot an addition of The New Yorker. Mom and I were on a quest to find this elusive magazine. I had no luck at 7-11 and we went on across the North Bridge. The view from the top of the North Bridge gives an aerial scene of the sunset. It also show cases the Diamond Head Condos. It also shows more building along the waterfront.
We had a drive through view of the fishermen under the South Bridge. There were not many there. The rain was still going on and there was no breeze under the bridge. I figured the no-see um bugs would be biting. We proceeded on over the South Bridge. The accent reminded me of the times I would be driving towards a full moon. The moon would be giant round and turning from a yellow into a white color. I could hear in my head the song " Fly me to the moon".
Mom coasted down the bridge not using any gas as long as she could. We stopped at CVS and I ran in for a few things. On my way out the sunset had popped out in all it's glory. I was privilege to catch a glimpse. I also saw the perched birds on top of the take out seafood place next door. These birds had long narrow beaks which were dark in color. They had an off white body with bits of black underneath.They protected the take out place like a statue standing guard over a building.
I was glad to get home and unload my stuff. I also ate a bit of dinner and watched some television. Plus, I looked out at the house across the street to see only a dim light in the window for the last time. I hear the crickets chirping this morning and I am looking forward to when I can drink my coffee.
I hope it will be a nice day.


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