Starting a new day
The storm last night gave a few rain pounding performances, but did not put on much of a lighting show with dark clouds. I guess I would consider us fortunate to slip away so easily from the terrible weather. This is a picture of the Beach Patrol running down the beach telling people the beach is closing. It is time to pack up and move the cars off the beach.
My ex-brother in law could make a pretty good lasagna with Italian sausage and layers of noodles, cheese and tomato sauce. He made a lot of lasagna which my mom,dad and I would freeze to eat at a later time. My ex-brother in law also liked cooking cabbage rolls which my mom,dad and I grew tired of very quickly. He made a lot which we froze some. We tossed them out in the garbage when we could get away with it. The taste turned to repulse, because too much of it was made. We just couldn't consume another cabbage roll.
The 25 dollar cake was another creation my ex-brother in law made which had two pounds of sugars. It tasted good, because it was super sweet. He also left us the cooking pans for us to clean. He would just cook and leave. He would not clean the pans after he cooked with them. I have never made a 25 dollar cake. I did attempt to cook with some healthy flour which turned out just awful. Most of the time, I can only stick with the recipe and make something decent to eat. There are a few rare occasions which I can get away from cooking by recipe and it turn out to taste OK.
At 6:20 AM,
Villager said…
Your ex brother-in-law was also a son-in-law. You might also recall him cooking fish in boiling deep fat so hot the pot on top of the stove caught on fire. He proceeded to flail out the flames with a dish drying cloth, burning it black. The kitchen full of smoke and blackened fish was left for whoever else was around to clean up. He walked away. We were thankful the house didn't burn down. - your Mom.
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