Monday might be for the birds
This picture illustrates what it is like starting the walk on the circular peer. Sometimes there are Pelicans perched out there ready for a fish handout. There are a lot of boats anchored out in the channel. They all seem to face one way. I wonder is that due to tide? There was road work on the bridge where the traffic was cut down to a single lane. This wasn't fun and I was glad when the Department of Transportation finished. The cones were removed and we had two lanes of driving again.
August has quietly arrived. I have notice a slight change in the temperature in the morning. The temperature seems to be settling around 72 before the sun comes up. The humidity climbs as the sun penetrates the sky. I hung up clothes and would come in afterwards with my clothes soaked from sweat. It wasn't too long ago, back in July, I was driving back home and notice an Osprey perched on a electric line. His wings were spread out in a drooped position and the stare was one of somebody please turn down the heat. The bird looked like a bad television ad for a chicken eating place.
Speaking about places to eat, I am sort of disappointed The Sea Harvest isn't coming back to New Smyrna. Someone bought the building and cleaned out the inside of the building. Plus changed the name to Dolphin View. The Sea Harvest was fun, because you could eat outside and feed the birds the leftovers. Plus, I use to get the wine coolers which went well with a shrimp dinner. They always seem to know how to deep fry seafood well. They were also generous with the amount of fish in a fish dinner. There seemed to be enough for leftovers and to create another fish sandwich. The Sea Harvest verses The Boston Fish House was comparing Apples to Oranges. The Sea Harvest was good food at reasonable prices. The Boston Fish House was over priced food with outrageous fried onion rings and other fried things.
I just had a scary thought, if The Sea Harvest met with the fate of doom. I wonder what is in the cards for Vincenzo's my favorite New Smyrna Beach Italian restaurant? Will it turn into a Mexican restaurant? I have been dining at home and the food has been pretty good. Last night we had ribs, with sweet potato and a small salad. The only drawback is cleaning up the dishes after the meal. However, it was done in time for the next fabulous meal.
I settled in last night watching Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. Audrey plays a Princess in Roman escaping the duties of Royalty to spend time with Gregory who shows her what every day life is like. It is kind of sad and Romantic. I would rewrite the end so that Gregory and Audrey would live Happily Ever After and her country would pick someone else as the leader.
There still is a little bit of driving Florida next to the beach between Ormand and St. Augustine. Flagler is a narrow strip of driving surrounded by water. This is old Florida as someone would remember in the old Florida brochures. On this route, Marine Land is still there and changes every time we visit. There is also Cresent beach where famous author Marjorie Kinnon Rawlings had a summer home.
At 6:02 AM,
Lew said…
It is nice that they have the walkway under the bridge where people can fish from. I use to like these because I could drop my line in the water with a float and if I had lots of line on my reel let it drift way out into the bay. It was neat. I never was a good fisherman. My fishing and gardening skills are about equal. It is nice that they have wooden railings which no one would want to steal. In Miami they used aluminum which was constantly being stolen. They should have switched over to something other than aluminum but they didn't. Similar to a hospital I worked in San Diego. It was a new hospital. To get to the hospital from the parking lot you had to walk all the way down to the end of the row, turn the corner, and then double back to about the mid portion of the parking lot to enter the hospital. The other option was to cut across a three foot strip of grass and enter the hospital directly which is what the employees did, including me. It was the sensible thing to do. With time, the grass got trampled down and there was a narrow three foot long path through the grass. The hospital tried everything to get the employees not to walk across the grass. Including putting up signs. One day the head of the maintenance department (a young man) and I were standing in the parking lot looking at the narrow three foot strip of trampled grass and he was complaining about people walking on that little strip of grass. I explained to him the obvious reason which was that it was much shorter for the employees to gain access to the hospital. He then whined again about the trampled grass not looking nice. I said to him "why don't you just put down a few paving stones for the people to walk on since they are going to do it anyway and then you won't have any trampled grass". He was silent. And when I ended my employment at the hospital about two years later the battle was still going on and no paving stones had been laid and, yes, the grass was still trampled. Have a nice day and remember only four weeks to go. When we reach September 1 we will be through the hottest weather and from that day on the days will gradually start to cool and actually get a little nippy around Christmas. Sort of remind of the espression "...and Christmas is coming too!" Think cool. Lew
At 5:22 PM,
Lew said…
You are right, all of the boats point in the same direction because of the current. I once knew a fellow who was really into treasure hunting. He had a virtual library of articles on treasure. His ambition was to work part-time and be a full-time treasure hunter. But having to pay the bills kept him from his goal. He told me that when the old Spanish galleons got caught in a storm they would drop their anchor to try and hold the ship in place. He said that usually the ship would be pulling the anchor along the bottom. The anchor chain would be taught with the ship pulling on it in a gale. He said that when the ship sunk it would still be at the end of the anchor line. When a treasure hunter finds an anchor, then the chain will point to the ship. The ships wood may have rotted away over the years but the ships treasure of gold and silver would be at the end of the anchor chain. When I was 12 years old my parents were staying in an apartment style motel in West Palm Beach called the Broadway Motor Court. No beaches or attractions nearby so it was low key. Very relaxing which is just what my dad needed. He liked to sit in a lawnchair on the grass of the lawn and talk with Mr. Reese. Yep, Mr. Reese himself of Reese's peanut butter cup fame. To pacify me my parents would give me $ 1.00 each day to buy comic books with. At ten cents apiece that was quite a buy. But this one time I bought a treasure magazine and read in awe of divers entering the buildings in the sunken city of Port Royal in the Caribbean. With wonder I read of their swimming down the hallways and of the large paintings still hanging on the walls. I was enraptured by the wonder of it all and it installed in me that sense of wonder and discovery of treasure hunting. This same magazine also had an article about William Beebee and his large metal ball called the bathyscaphe used for deep sea diving. While reading of the adventures I was oblivious of what was going on around me. Time lost all meaning because I was off in my own little world. For a time I was right there beside William Beebee diving into the depths of the oceans. I am still that way today with adventure movies. I am right up there on the screen with Harrison Ford in the Indiana Jones adventures. Fantasy, such a wonder. Disney is a whole world of it where for a while you can forget your troubles. Lew
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