The beach in the evening
Mom loved the look of the storm cloud last night. It looked like a wing to her. However, I could have taken a better camera shot from the beach. I did not take the camera shot. My hand was greasy from the coconut oil in the microwave bag of two day old popcorn. I dumped the bag of popcorn on the beach for some sandpipers birds to eat. I had to dump it and leave it alone. The little birds did not like to explore new food when humans are around. I figured the sandpipers were looking for periwinkles which are small tiny slug like creatures in tiny shells. A long time ago Mom and I use to collect periwinkles in a bucket and she would make a soup out of the periwinkles. It was a long time ago, but what I can remember it wasn't bad soup.
Mom had noticed the sand on the beach had a flat appearance. The look of the beach has been changing ; ever since, the four hurricanes back in 2004. There has been two beach renourishment projects. The first one only held up for a short time when the heavy rains washed a lot of the sand back into the ocean. The second most recent one seems to be holding pretty good. It is making the shoreline easier for cars to drive.
At 6:08 AM,
Lew said…
I bring home popcorn from the movie theater. Especially because of the price that I pay for it. Plus I always go heavy on the "butter?" and salt at the movie theater. It seems to easily last for several days without going bad. But it becomes soggy from the humidity so I heat it in a microwave safe bowl like a Correll dish. These dishes are really nice because they are light, do not heat up in a microwave, and are unbreakable. If you drop them on the floor, they won't break. I have heard that they are made from a ceramic type substance that is used on the nose cones of missles. I guess that I should check out that last part on Snopes. But back to the popcorn, I heat it for a short while. Enough to get the popcorn hot but not enough to burn it. The popcorn is still rubbery from the humidity. I let it sit for a couple of minutes to give time for the heat to drive off the moisture and then zap it again. I repeat this one more time and the popcorn is now nice and crisp. I have yet to find a microwave popcorn that is any good. The popcorn that is already popped from Wise potato chip company in the potato chip section of the grocery store is pretty good. Just like at the movie theater. Or I can step down a grade and get the big giant bag of generic popcorn that they sell at Walmart really cheap. But as the expression goes, "you get what you pay for". It is not as good as the Wise popcorn but better than any of the microwave popcorn. When I am finally burnt out on the leftover movie theater popcorn and just can't eat one more bite, I take what is left in the bag and scatter it at the base of the oak tree in the front yard for the squirrels. The only periwinkles that I have had any experience with are a very robust and hearty flower that once it gets entrenched in you yard, it is almost impossible to get rid of. But then why would anyone want to get rid of them since they have pretty red or white flowers. We had a hibiscus get severely damaged by the frost this past winter. It was having a hard time recovering. It was located next to the back door which is a highly visible spot. We moved the damaged hibiscus to a different location not so visible and replaced it with a new hibiscus plant which seems to be doing fine. Consider the old one to be in our plant intensive care unit recovering from its injuries. That viewpoint makes me feel better about moving it. With regards to the beach sand, there is probably a huge hole offshore where they pumped the sand from. I knew a dredge foreman in Miami and he told me of these huge swaths they would cut from the ocean bottom for the sand off the Nedw England coast. He said that the holes were very large, rectangular and about 75 feet deep. I suppose with time and storms the offshore hole will probably fill back in. Let's hope the sand from the beach doesn't wash back into the hole. Keep cool. I have my glass of ice water which I am never without. I have found that sugar-free popsicles do wonders at rapidly cooling me off when I come in from outside. No guilt in eating the sugar-free popsicles. Have a good day.
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