Sunday has more sunshine than rain
"Sunday has more sunshine than rain" is what the weatherman says. The weatherman also said" the weather would be more hot today." The mosquitoes were around yesterday evening. Mom and I went to the fishing spot under the South bridge. There were lots of want a be fishermen. Both young and old who had a line cast off the side of the fishing pier. There was very little wind if any at all. The pelicans would fly around, but not land close to the entrance of the pier. They were more like in the middle of the channel under the South bridge. The egrets were more of the social birds who would pose for my camera. It is nice to have a zoom lens, so I can get a better shot without scaring the bird away. The egrets were looking for small handouts of fish, if the fisherman would want to contribute. However, the egrets were on their own. The fisherman was waiting to claim his own prize and take it home for a fish dinner.
I believe the fish were there, but they did not seem to want to get hooked. I saw small swirls in the water which I always heard was an indication of fish swimming underneath the water. I understand the wanting, the waiting, the disappointment and the victory of catching a fish. It takes lots of patience and a willingness to come back another time, if this fishing expedition produces no fish.
If I had a nickel or dime for every time I would get my fishing line caught in the rocks, I would be a rich woman. There is nothing more disappointing to me than to be taken out of the game of catching the fish by the hook, than getting it snagged on some rocks. It seems to take forever to free the line. In the process, I usually would loose the hook. Sometimes, I would loose the bob er, the swivel and the hook. Plus some of the fishing line is lost in the trying to get unstuck. The one method which I used for freeing the line is to wrap my hand around the end of the line like twirling spaghetti around a fork and then pull, until I felt I was freed from the rocks.
The one tricky fish which would sometimes fool me is the flounder. It would sit at the bottom and not move for a long time. I would try and free myself like I had been caught on a rock and I would loose the fish in the process. Somehow, I knew I had a flounder, because it would start to give me a fight on the line which I thought was lots of fun. I never caught a flounder under the South bridge. When I caught one it was off a pile full of rocks next to the shoreline. I caught one once that fed five people. This was the one fish I was proud of catching. I also didn't mind cleaning it either.
At 6:24 AM,
Lew said…
The boat in the picture reminds me of a dredge. Is that what it is? Did you notice all the birds lined up on the electric lines? Fishing from the bridge and getting lines stuck. I have heard of people who scuba dive under the bridges to get the fishing poles and reels that some people throw into the water out of anger and frustration. Some scuba divers will also dive in areas where a lot of boats drop their anchors. The anchors get stuck on a piece of coral and the boat owner has to cut his line. The diver retrieves the anchors and sell them at a reduced price. Stay as cool as possible, September 1 is only a few weeks away. Lew
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