Glendon's dream picture pose
This is a nice picture of my sister Glendon and her horse Shooter. Shooter is actually behaving herself and is not cutting up. The last memory I had of Shooter was her fidgeting while being tied up. She could not stand still. She had mischief written on her face. She caused a small trauma injury to my finger while trying to make her lunge to take off the nervous edge. Glendon said she has improved and is not acting up. I would like to believe it, but I still have my minor injury to act as a doubting agent. I wanted the horse to be able to have fancy stuff on her back and Glendon pose on her back in a dress for pictures. I wanted to give my sister a real" Lady in Waiting" look. It is a work still in progress.
I went to the movies yesterday and saw the Mummy in China movie. It was pretty good. I would have to say I liked it better than "Swing Vote." The ending tied up better than "Swing Vote." The afternoon was pretty hot and it rained last night. I have a book I need to get back to reading, so I have my time occupied.
At 5:39 AM,
Lew said…
Nice picture. It looks like the area has light woods to it. Reminds me a lot of where I grew up at but the woods were a little bit more dense. Because of the shade effect of the leaves high up on the trees there was little to no undergrowth and so walking through the woods was quite easy. It was soft also because of the build-up of a thich mat of leaves being dropped each fall over the years. I had once dug down about a foot and still hadn't gotten through the layer of leaves to the soil. But the deeper I dug the more decayed the leaves were and the messier they were which would discourage me from digging any more. When I was working up in Seminole county I noticed that the woods were similar up there in that once you got through the dense brush at the periphery of the woods it just opened up. However, here in Florida there is a vine that I call a "trip vine". It would grow across the ground and had big rose-type thorns on it. When I would trip on the vine because I didn't see it, the thorns would invariably give me a deep scratch on my ankles. So there I would be lying on the ground with scratched ankles deep in a woods in the middle of nowheres.
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