What to do on Sunday
This morning was sausage gravy with English muffins and a fried egg. I also made a small meatloaf. I had a meatloaf sandwich for lunch and meatloaf for dinner. Plus a couple ears of corn cooked in the microwave. I also went back with my mom to see the Michael Moore movie again. I enjoyed it the second time around. Tonight it is sixty minutes I listen too. Tomorrow will be the fifth of October. It will be garbage day. Mom and I will get an update of how Glendon's pet turkey is doing. Her turkey got bit by a dog in the chest area and the wing. She had to be stitched and put under so she wouldn't squirm. My sister was suppose to give her a shot of penicillin this evening.
At 4:50 PM,
Lew said…
Bisquits and gravy. What a southern redneck favorite. Truck drivers also have bisquits and gravy often because it stays with them and they don't get hungry again fo a while. I get it occassionally at Dennys but usually Mary will pick up either a can of sausage gravy or the kind of sausage gravy that comes in a frozen packet. I heat it and pour it over bisquits and feast away. I have never had it with a fried egg. Mary makes hash with fried egg on top of the hash fairly frequently on "big breakfast Saturday". Sorry to hear of your sisters pet turkey getting bit. Did the stress of the situation cause the turkey to stop laying eggs? Many years ago the palm trees in Miami were afflicted with a disease called lethal yellowing because the branches would turn yellow and drop off and then the palm tree would die. One of the treatments for the lethal yellow palm tree disease was to inject the antibiotic teracyclin directly into the tree. Some of the tetracycline would end up in the coconuts and give them a bitter taste but the coconuts with the tetracycline antibiotic may have been healthier to eat. Could the same be true of the turkey. While the turkey is getting penicillin treatments, would the turkey eggs be healthier to eat because of the penicillin. Enjoy the movie and don't forget the popcorn and soda. Lew
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