Cool Weather tomorrow morning
Someone sent me a video of a toddler having a temper tantrum where ever mom was located in the house. When mom would move the toddler would pick himself up and move to where mom was in the house. The toddler would fall down on the carpet crying and rolling on the floor. Mom would walk right past and the whole thing would start up again. This video probably will be play again and again while the kid is growing up. It may even be used as a bargaining chip to get what the parents want from the kid. If the video was used back when I was growing up like it is used today, I would feel two inches tall. I am looking forward to the cooler weather.
At 6:13 AM,
Lew said…
When I am at Wal-Mart and I see a young mother struggling with a bratty child having a tantrum, I smile inside and think to myself "I am so glad that those days are behind me". I don't remember being bratty except for a couple of times, and one of those times wasn't my fault. It was my friend Butchy Hoffman's fault. I was around 7 or 8 years old and one day my friend Butchy and I were walking along and talking. He told me that he doesn't let his parents tell him what to do and told me some of the replies that he would give them. I decided that I would try that on my parents also. That evening at the supper table my father asked me what time it was. From where he sat, he couldn't see the clock on the wall and I could. I always told him what time it was. But not this time. Rembering Butchy Hoffman, I told him to go look for himself. My mother, my brother, and my father couldn't believe what they had heard. They all stopped eating and stared in disbelief at me. My father told me to go to bed, which I did. No supper that night. The next day I gave Butchy an earful and told him that he had gotten me in trouble with that "I don't do what my parents tell me" routine. That was the last that I acted that way. I had learned my lesson by being sent to bed without my supper. And I didn't listen to Butchy Hoffman anymore either. So like they say, The devil or actually Butchy made me do it" in a sense. Have a good day and be sure to do what your mother tells you or you too may be sent to bed without your supper. Lew
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