Monday morning
Out taking pictures of the shrimp boats on the water off of New Smyrna Beach, I keep thinking I was seeing the same shrimp boats. However, the closest one turned out to be red in color and the one I took a while back was blue in color. It seems the sailboats stay on the Inter coastal Waterway and the shrimp boats occupy the ocean. The shrimp boats remind me of proud peacocks staking their territory. They fan their nets out like a peacock would fan out its feathers. I wonder how much catch do they really take in? Do you think they supply the local seafood restaurants? How long do you think they would stay out on the water?
At 3:47 PM,
Lew said…
How long the shrimp boats stay out on the water probably depends on whether they have a commercial ice machine on-board. If they ice down the shrimp that they catch, then they can probably stay out until their cargo holds are full. But if they don't ice down the shrimp, then I would assume that they would have to return daily to off-load the shrimp because shrimp can go bad fairly quickly. Remember the movie The Perfect Storm about the swordfish fishing boat The Andrea Gail starring George Clooney? In the movie they ice down the fish but their ice machine broke down which is why they decided to try and sail through the storm to get back to port before the fish spoiled. They show this process of icing down the swordfish in the movie. My brother tried oyster fishing one time and told me that he had a huge commercial ice machine on board a commercial oyster boat that he had with two other guys as partners. They would put ice onto the oysters to keep them fresh. The oyster venture just didn't work out and after a year he got out of it.. He and the other two guys would do the oyster dredging on weekends. During the week he was a computer whiz at the Kennedy Space center. You should be getting some pretty fresh shrimp there in New Smyrna. I wonder where they off-load the shrimp at? It would have to be a good sized shrimp processing facility to handle the shrimp from all of those boats. Have a nice relaxing day. Lew
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