Sunday is here
The beef stew came with lots of vegetables, peas, cut up potatoes, celery and beef stew. We also had buttermilk biscuits that I heated up in the little toaster oven on the porch. Mom had cut up cantaloupe. I had to eat the chocolate pudding and save the cantaloupe for later. I got some evening pictures. This is a sunset picture near the South Bridge. It still is pretty warm over at the beach. The weather hasn't cooled down yet. I am so ready for cooler weather. Time also had rushed by so fast. The ten o"clock news is on and it is near time to retire for the night. At least, I don't live in Tavares where the water has to be boiled.
At 5:53 AM,
Lew said…
Are you using a colored filter to get all of the earth tones of yellow, brown, and orange in your picture? It gives a warm feel to the picture. Actually a hot feel. The picture reminds me of an old sci-fi picture called The Day the Earth Caught Fire. There is a problem with the Van Allen radiation belts around the earth and the temperature is rising uncontrollably. All of the characters are walking around perspiring and mopping the sweat from their brows with a handkerchief. It is one of those pictures best watched on a warm summer day and before long you start to feel like the characters in the movie. Hot! Have a nice day and try to stay cool event hough the picture says it is hot. Lew
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