Will it be a rainy day?
Will it be a rainy day? Will the shuttle be able to land or have to stay in space another day? Maybe they will try for California? It will all be revealed in time. Speaking of time, mom and I are planning to travel to my sister's place in Williston and will be there over the weekend. I think plans are to come back to the beach on Tuesday of next week. Mom and I had a big plate of spaghetti last night. I offered the leftovers to our new neighbors, but they turned it down. They had plans of going out to eat. I was even going to offer it to Laurel our other neighbor, but she was going out to eat. The solution was mom decided to freeze the spaghetti until we come back next week. She said "it would keep alright." I think it froze up nicely. I hope it unfreezes just as nice. I got a lot of shrimp boat fishing pictures last night. They had their nets cast out into the sea. The lights on the boat gave the picture a ghostly pirate feel. The pictures looked like something out of "Pirates of the Caribbean."
At 6:16 AM,
Lew said…
I have frozen spaghetti in the past and the noodles seem to have a different texture upon thawing. Let me know how yours are. Have you ever used Ragu spaghetti sauce. When I was young and being shepherded into the priesthood by our local priest, on Saturdays he would take me with him on his rounds. Whenever anyone bought a new house, they would always have the priest come and bless it with Holy water. The people in this town were predominantly Italian and overwhelmingly Catholic. Very strong in their religious beliefs and so having a newly bought home blessed was standard operating procedure as they say. I watched how he did the blessing. He had a special cylindrical metal device filled with Holy water and with sprinkle holes in the top and he would go into every room in the house and sprinkle the holy water on the walls. He would also take me with him when he went to visit the sick at their homes. He also use to take me to a house where two elderly Italian sisters lived. One sister spoke no English at all. It was considered an honor to have the priest come for supper and so they would cook all day long and serve a long seven or eight course meal. It just seemed to go on and on. I liked the homemade spaghetti sauce that they put on the spaghetti. It was not like my mom's spaghetti sauce which was a packet of powdery seasonings from French's and a can of tomato sauce. It was very acidic. The years passed by but I always remembered the taste of that spaghetti sauce that I liked so much. Time just kept passing by; went to college, got married, had a child, and then one night supper was served. It was spaghetti with a new brand of sauce called Ragu. As soon as I ate my first forkfull of spaghetti I exclaimed loudly "This is it. This sauce is just like the spaghetti sauce that the Italian woman made." And I have been a devoted fan of Ragu ever since. Mary makes spaghetti by cooking the spaghetti in the pot with the Ragu. She puts an equal amount of water into the pot with the Ragu and lets it slow simmer to reduce. It has to be stirred from time to time to keep the spaghetti from sticking to the bottom of the pot and burning. The spaghetti soaks up the sauce as well as the water and it has a very rich and hearty flavor. Enjoy your spaghetti and garlic toast. Lew
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