Saturday stuff
Delilah, what a name for a Burmese python. This snake is 18 foot long, over 300 pounds and eats six rabbits a week. How can someone keep a snake like that for years? The owner has to pay a fine and then plans to give the snake to an education place. I hope the story slithers away. This is a shrimp boat traveling at dusk. The light on the boat may have added to the distortion of the picture. Dinner this evening was scallops and tomorrow will be beef stew. I don't know what will be for breakfast tomorrow. I assume it will be an egg dish because we have so many eggs from my sister Glendon.
At 3:49 PM,
Lew said…
Where is the python named Samson? An expensive pet having to feed it that many rabbits. Are the turkey eggs hard to crack on the edge of the frying pan? Does your mom cook the eggs in a cast iron skillet? I remember seeing one in a picture that you once posted and the cast iron skillet had some nice golden brown chicken pieces in it. My mom always preferred cast iron. She always felt that things don't stick and burn as much in cast iron and the heat distribution with the pan is better. She almost always used cast iron. Enjoy the beef stew and don't forget to sop up the gravy with bread. What a treat. Lew
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