A story with a different twist
It seems that Nivea Wylie was sedated from an operation and not in a coma like I was originally told. Nivea's son James has been offering my sister what ever she can get, because he is looking to get rid of the property as quickly as possible. Nivea may still recover. She is showing signs of improvement according to my sister. I am not sure what are the improvements? Mom told to explain Sean Michael from yesterday's blog entry which I kind of thought I should have done. Sean Michael is the grandson of Nivea and was of Skag. However the divorce may have changed the relationship between Skag and Sean Michael. Sean has moved out to Texas with his mom who is Nivea's daughter. I do like the picture of this sunset.
At 6:52 AM,
Lew said…
Are you and you mom going to the luncheon at the lab? Mary and I are not planning on attending. I got to see the rocket launch this morning and I got some pictures of the vapor trail. I have not downloaded the pictures yet but I hope that they turn out good. Did you get any pictures? All that I will see on mine is a vapor trail. Have a nice day. Lew
At 6:58 AM,
Lew said…
By the way, did you see the neat effect of the palm tree in the picture? It splits the image of the sun into two pieces. I noticed this splitting and so I went to the magnified mode to see what it was. There is a palm tree in front of the sun that is causing the split of the sun's image. The small cloud behind the palm tree makes it look a like a regular tree. The cloud looks like it is part of the tree's foliage. Take a look at it in the magnified mode and you will see what I mean. Keep clicking away. Lew
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