Saturday stuff
I got out to the movies this afternoon to see Michael Moore's new movie "Capitalism" A love story. I enjoyed the movie because Michael speaks to the people and explains who benefits from Capitalism and who does not. It is like the rich get richer and the poor get foreclosed and kicked out of their homes. On the way to the movies, I saw a rain tree with real red blossoms and coming back on the Inter coastal Waterway, I saw a real rich yacht. I also saw a sailboat for sale on back of a boat trailer parked in front of a condo complex. I came home after getting gas for my truck and convinced mom that she should go see the movie. I think she is interest. Tonight was leftover chili and leftover beef roast. Mom made tuna fish sandwiches for lunch.
At 6:43 AM,
Lew said…
Sorry, my very long comments were sent off to never-land by the blog site and so it is lost. It is too long to remember to retype it. Hvae a nice day anyway. Lew
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