Monday is here
We got a little bit of rain. It is overcast and very still looking. The baby blue sky is gone for now. I hear thunder off in the distance. I did not get out today to search for photo shots. I stayed home and ate leftover meatloaf. Mom made round steak with tomato sauce and mashed potatoes with chives. The sky is now looking stormy across the street. We could get a small thunderstorm. My sister is going to see the Michael Moore movie. I will be interested to see what she thinks of the movie. The weather is almost to the yucky, yucky stage. I just saw some lightening so I better cut this short. I hope you have nicer weather.
At 6:17 AM,
Lew said…
That is interesting how you changed the color of the font from the traditional black. I didn't know that you could do that with blogs. And round steak. Can be tough. Usually is. Have you ever had left over meat loaf as a sandwich? Or slice the left over meat loaf while it is cold and fry it in a pan to brown it and make it just a little bit crisp? What condiments do you use with meat loaf? Ketchup of course. Lots and lots of ketchup. Have as good a day as you can. Maybe the weather will improve from yucky, yucky to just yucky. Lew
At 1:56 PM,
The Good Shepherd farm said…
Tell Lew Granddad's roundsteak is so tender you don't need a knife. It's all in the cooking. G
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