Time is just going to fast on Saturday
Somebody slow the clock down. I got up an hour later than I normally do. I took my medicine later than I I normally do. The coffee had to be made. The dishes had to be taken out of the dishwasher. The dirty dishes loaded into the dishwasher. I haven't opened the blinds to see if there is a sunrise. My routine during the week would be, I would be watching Star Trek now. Today, my sister goes for training on using election equipment. She is going to be a poll worker.This is fun for her, because she seems to learn new things every time. Plus, she likes the people she meets there at the polls.
I have put away my night clothes and replaced them with a black pair of shorts and a tee shirt from my Uncle in California. The tee shirt says Monterey and has a drawing of a seal on it. Mom is looking over the ads before she heads to the farmer's market and the stores. I will have a load of laundry to hang out on the clothes line.
Mom has also done some pre-hurricane preparations by buying a couple of gallons of distilled water, checking our lights and battery situation and watching where the storm is heading. I think my sister will be doing more of this on Monday. If it does come, the weathermen are saying Tuesday would be the day of it's arrival. However, the projected path keeps changing over time. The further West it goes the less likely Florida will be a target.
At 4:05 PM,
Lew said…
You have a morning filled with activities. I do too but not as many as you. Take Care, Lew
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