Fay has arrived
Storm preparations have been steady and watching weather reports furious. This is worse than going to the horse races. It hasn't been hurricane party time yet. I haven't had that six different liquored drink which gives off a nice buzz feeling. One is my limit and nice limit to have. Margaritas are maybe two big glasses. I like the salty tortilla chips and some mild salsa with the Margaritas. The moon was out last night. I don't know about this morning. Today is suppose to be the day of the rain and wind. The day is starting off right with lots of coffee. The power still on and working. The air conditioning unit is keeping the house a cool 78 degrees. The porch was arranged this way in the picture so no stuff would be flying around and damage would be light. It looks like things were knock over already. However, this was only done by mom and I. The fun will be putting it back together after the storm is gone. I took a peak outside and it is really dark. I did not see any traces of a moon, but I did hear the night crickets singing a happy tune. At least, the crickets seemed happy to me. Fay, so far has not been like Hurricane Charley. There was a blanket of grey clouds which came yesterday and not a blanket of black clouds like Charley provided. I am hoping the storm lightly moves through the state and only leaves some rain behind. This is my wishful thinking.
At 5:50 AM,
Lew said…
It looks like it must have been quite a job hauling all of that stuff onto the patio. I have been up since 5:00 doing my usual studying along with coffee and toast. It looks as though you guys are going to get the brunt of the storm according to the weather reports. Orlando is going to be lucky because we are on the west side of the storm. Are you going to Glendons for the storm? If you are staying at home, treat yourself. I tried eating some strawberry flavored cream cheese. It was great. One of Heavens little treats right here on earth. Spread onto a good quality cracker and you can't eat just one. Try some befor lunch as an appetizer. I won't say have a calm dry day because I know that it is just not in the cards. But a good time to get some pictures through the window of your house with the camera of the storm. Not really much happening here in Orlando yet. Good luck. Lew
At 7:49 PM,
Blueherun said…
We were lucky in Orlando, Fay, glided sweetly by just south of us. Good luck to you tonight and tomorrow, its headed your way now!
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