Please pose for the camera
Mom took me to the North end of the beach long before sunset. We both sat on the same bench after we had been looked at the people playing on the beach. A pre-teen what mom labels a little girl showed up with her other buddy and started a high pitched squeal scream festival. Every few minutes, I would hear this high pitched squeal followed by my mom saying " quit screaming." The girls would give my mom a funny glare and return back to their screaming and spitting. Their mom even scolded them, but it was like talking to the wind. The two girls headed towards the water with boogie boards and when they got there, mom and I could still here them scream. However, they were off in a distance so it did not bother my mom as much as when they were close to her. This is a picture of the Walgreen's bird which I took several pictures poses. He was a little camera shy at first, but pretty soon just stood there still. After, I finish taking pictures, the bird disappeared.
Today is garbage day. Also, it may be put up the Hurricane shutters day. If the storm looks like it is heading our way. The path seems to switch back and forth. I wonder where the raccoons hide when the rainy weather comes pounding down? I stopped a raccoon from trying to open my garbage can the other morning. I walked out on the porch and the can was knocked over. However, there were two secure ties holding down the lid and the raccoon was not going to penetrate the lid. It was a lost cause for the raccoon.
At 5:38 AM,
Lew said…
Hurricane shutters. After Hurricane Andrew I went out and purchased the thickest aluminum plate shutters made. Very expensive but no flying objects would be able to penetrate these shutters. My house was like a fortress. Even the Bastille in Paris was not this strong. Then it dawned on me that the strongest thing on the house were the shutters. The house could collapse into a pile of rubble but the shutters would still be there covering and protecting the windows. The house may be destroyed but not a broken window in the rubble pile. By the way the cost of the shutters was over $ 2000 and I had my son-in-law install them. What a job to put them up and take them down each year. A real chore. I hope that your shutters are easier. Have a good day and keep watching the weather channel.
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